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  • #234728
    john barry


    What insurance(colliosion) does everyone here have?
    I have liability with Nationwide. I would like collision also. I keep my car in a carport (no sides) thus I am unable to get Hargerty classic car insurance to write a policy. Natonwide my insurance co. had no answerers.
    What company do you guys have for collison

    Paul Mossberg



    Once again, the search tool is an invaluable resource.

    There are several threads discussing insurance. The most comprehensive thread is this one:

    I suggest you read through that thread…and then add on any questions or comments.

    PMOSSBERG2013-06-08 18:27:40

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    greg press


    I am a believer in Hagerity ins.They seem to know about our needs. I purchased Hagerity plus.Because of my vaper locking last summer i had to have it flat bedded 5 times.1 time it was after six pm. so they brought it to my house because must garages are closed. Called hagerity next day explaned this they took care of tow and they said that it was standard procedure to do this. They send car collector magazines a couple times a year. Some of bigger car show have representives and they love to talk.

    Marc Lipsius


    Where do you live? The availability of insurance coverage varies from state to state. I’m in Florida and you almost can’t get any coverage unless your car is stored inside a 4-walled enclosed garage.

    john barry


    Paul thx fo rthe search tool..

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