Duchess Body Pull

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    A little more progress:   We started it up (momentarily) last night.  
    We got enough wiring done to where it should start, and spraying a
    little starting fluid in the carburetor got it to fire and run for a few
    seconds (there is zero gas in the tank).  Smile 
    A few minutes later I hit the key for just a second to check the
    warning light, and it immediately fired again and ran for a second off
    of left-over starting fluid.   Not bad for the first time in 3 years the
    engine has been turned over.   It was the first time I saw my wife get
    excited about this car project. 

    Now I have to get turn signals,
    warning light, horn, headlights, wipers, and fog lights working.   I
    have built and played with radios and read electronic schematics for
    years – but for some reason, the car wiring freaks me out!   I think I
    will try to find some info on what the various contacts are on the
    gauges, and maybe that will help.



    don’t think of wiring as 1 big system. do one circuit at a time,you’ll be fine


      Build manuals give wiring info. Also VW wiring diagrams give listing of were wires connect to the proper posts of components. The posts of VW switches relays are numbered. If you follow diagram wire will lead to point of contact on switch, relay or component. Wiring diagram has wi 

    Paul Mossberg


    Classic Roadsters Ltd. schematics are excellent.
    They are available in our “Download Manuals” section.

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to https://tdreplica.com/forums/topic/mg-td-replica-registry/ and register (you need to copy and paste the link)



    Thanks guys – I’ve downloaded all the manuals for Classic Roadsters and VW.  And for the other replicas as well.   One problem I am having is that the color code was not adhered to all that closely in this car.  In the worst case example, one spliced wire  changes color 3 times before it gets to it’s final destination.  In another case, the Classic Roadsters manual says to hook the light blue wire to the Voltage Regulator – and I have no light blue wires anywhere.   Sorry to sound like I am whining – this is just new to me, and you know the old dog and new tricks saying.   I’ll get it eventually, and I think the one circuit at a time approach will work for me.  I’m thinking about putting extra long leads on the probes to my multimeter, so I can identify the wires from end to end.    

    Gabor Kesseru


    No need to cut your multimeter lines. Get some alligator clips and make a pair of jumpers long enough to reach from the furthest part of the car to the fuse box.

    edward ericson


    While you’re there, might want to think about ripping out any wire that’s spliced more than twice and replacing with with a new wire. Could save some headache later on.



    All good suggestions.  Monday we got the gas tank hooked up and put gas in it, and the car starts fine.   It has been a busy week, and it looks like it will be next Monday before I can get back to it.   



    what gauge pans did you go with and are you still happy with that decision?  I am getting ready to do mine and it look like it will cost me 169 apeace for 18 guage with another 112 for shipping.  I can get some thinner one locally for 124 appeace no shipping and save a little.  Just wondering if i need to spend the extra money.

    Steve Struchen


    I would spend the extra money to get the heavier ones. I wouldn’t want to do the pan replacement job twice.

    edward ericson


    I’ll second that. 

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