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  • #232943
    Scott A Chynoweth


    Just got this today; Found it on ebay original MG body tag.Not sure if it’s for a TD,or other MG auto but its going to look sweet under the hood.

    edward ericson


    what’s that chassis number, Buzz?

    Scott A Chynoweth


    Body Type-22381  Body No. 22536/98770

    Did a search on the numbers,body type makes the tag for a TD.Couldn’t find much for the body number though.I was hoping to find a year based on the body numbers.Oh well still a neat little trinket to fool those that don’t know real from replica.

    edward ericson


    Here is a good source for the TD production run. This guy is clearly obsessed and I recommend his vast and detailed site to anyone who wants to gawk and learn.

    According to this, if I’m reading it right, your number 22536 would date to November, 1952.

    (Mine is #16960, June, 1952)

    OK, gotta go, shifter linkage restoration awaits.

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