fuel system cleaning kit

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    Way back in the 70s (I know I’m dating myself but that’s the only day I can get a date. Ha!) But I digress. Back in the 70s when I was stationed in upstate New York, they made a carb and fuel system cleaning kit. Most of us used the kit for cleaning carbs. Basically the can of cleaner hung upside down and had a special cap with a tube in it that you hooked the fuel line from the carb to it. Then you started the engine, using the fuel in the float bowl to get the engine started and ran the can of cleaner through the carb. It worked really great. But I haven’t seen one of those kits in…forever. Have any of you used one or seen one? I’d love to get my hands on one. I think GumOut made it but I’m not certain. Would be great for cleaning our VW engine carbs.

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack



    I remember it well. I thought it was in the 50’s or 60’s. Smile  Used it many times and I think it was Gumout. I tried hard to find it (or it’s successor) a few years ago. Failed.

    As I remember, a ton of black smoke when you used it. For some reason, I think it was banned or discontinued or both.



    I dont remember it. I was born in 68 but it looks like another great product the government took away from us for our own protection like quality paints and effective bug killers.

    Gumout does make a 2 part kit. Problem is the price of the tool to use the chemicals is about $120.00
     Unless you are using it at least once a week costly.  Tool kit is listed by gumout as #G991 and is listed for pro mechanics.
       Remember Uncle using kit in late 50’s smoke while using it was a good bug fogger. you could not see the car while it was being used.
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