
Home Forums MGTD Kit Cars VW Based Kits lift

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  • #232232
    Bob Shea


    How can I lft the front and rear ends of my migi< 72 engine and chassis


    Mark Hendrickson


    By “lift” do you mean raise the suspension ride height?

    Bob Shea


    I do indeed

    Mark Hendrickson


    Unless the builder (if it wasn’t you) removed torsion leaves and did not cut turn an re-weld the upper tube of the beam, you’re out of luck short of adding coil over springs and making it ride even worse.

    I used an adjustable beam and removed all but four main leaves in each tube. Then I set the ride height with the beam adjusters. This gave me a great ride, handling and the correct ride height.

    Mark Hendrickson


    oops…the rear should be adjustable via the stock VW set up. You have to “re-clock” the torsion arms.

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