looking for automatic td mg,

Home Forums MGTD Kit Cars Chevy/Ford Kits looking for automatic td mg,

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  • #233011


    my name is nikki . i am looking for 1952 mg kit automatic

    pinto or chevy. if someone knows someone that have one call me

    404 890 6969  have cash available.  want to spend $ 3, 000

    Dan Rosa


      nikki51 try craigs list  Dan R

    edward ericson


    Or EBay. There was an auto Chevette-based car up last week, I think it came with a spare manual transmission. More than $3k but still. Don’t recall if it sold.

    Harry Kraemer


    I am parting out a 1981 Chevette that has an automatic trans.  Contact me at harry@flymall.org for more details and shipping.  I am in Germantown, Maryland.

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