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  • #232615
    Bill Gayler


     I recently purchased a Daytona Migi. It has cutouts at the bottom of the fiberglass engine cover. Can anyone tell me which exhaust to use? The exhaust on the car is the 4 extension GT’S and they sit several inches below the cutout notches and are closer together. Thanks in advance.


    Larry Murphy


     Hi bgayler, Welcome to the forum. I think the cut outs you asked about are designed to allow the engine cover to clear the bumper overiders when it is lifted . My Daytona Migi bodied cars have the same cutouts you refer to and the cover could not open with them.


    Bill Gayler


    Thanks Larry. I feel real stupid. You’re exactly right, the place the brackets bolt are clearly visable. My brother built a 48 Jaguar several years ago and couldn’t find any bumpers. He ended up using 32 Ford repops. Look at Speedway Motors website. They have lots of mirrors/lights and accessories that could work on a Migi. The 32 bumpers would have to be cut down.

    Thanks again.

    Larry Murphy


     Bill, On this forum there no such thing as a stupid question. I only knew the answer because I had a car with overiders. Keep us up to date on your project.

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