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    Mel Zeiger



    While the weather in FL. was warm Greg and I changed out the old radio in Mrs. Peel.  BTW that meant Greg did the work and I held the tools. 

    Cool radio (I found on Ebay) takes USB sticks and SD card.  Has adjustable stems.  The only issue we had was the stems are a little short for the thick dash of the replicas.  Volume and Tuner work fine but fader doesn’t work, no issue since I only have two speakers in the rear od the car.

    Greg Stickney


    The radio that WAS in Mel’s car is now snuggly ensconced in the dash of my golf cart!


    Paul Mossberg


    How did you resolve the “short stems”?

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

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    Mel Zeiger



    The radio works fine the stems are long enough to work the volume and tuner.  I just lost the fader function becasue of the short stems.  I haven’t figured out a fix yet.


    Paul Mossberg


    Thanks Mel.

    Sorry to bother you again…but how thick is your dash?


    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)



     This is probably a dumb question but, do you have to use the old knob style radios or can you put any radio in there that fits the hole in the dash? I have a tape jammed in my radio and would prefer one of the newer stlye cd players.

    Mel Zeiger


    PMOSSBERG wrote:

    Thanks Mel.

    Sorry to bother you again…but how thick is your dash?


    I didn’t measure it but I would guess about 3/4″.  The front plate of the radio is about a 1/4″ thick hence the problem.


    Mel Zeiger


    geoff104 wrote:
     This is probably a dumb question but, do you have to use the old knob style radios or can you put any radio in there that fits the hole in the dash? I have a tape jammed in my radio and would prefer one of the newer stlye cd players.


    The way the dash is usually cut there is a square cut for the face and two round cuts for the knobs.  The new CD radios fit into a rectangular housing so you will cut the dash. 

    I choose this radio for the vintage look and since it uses USB sticks and SD cards as a music source it’s much more convenient than CD’s.




    My dad sent me this link which solves my radio problems Thanks Dad!

    Larry Murphy


     Mel, If the thickness of the face plate is part of the problem, could you eliminate the plate and use stainless washers on the stems?I realize that the new radio would need to fit neatly in the rectangular hole in the dash for this to work and also that the old faceplate could not have left marks on the dash. The other solution would be to remove some material from the back side of the dash allowing the radio to stick out farther and that would allow the shorter stems to reach thru the dash. Hope this helps.

    Mel Zeiger


    Larry Murphy wrote:
     Mel, If the thickness of the face plate is part of the problem, could you eliminate the plate and use stainless washers on the stems?I realize that the new radio would need to fit neatly in the rectangular hole in the dash for this to work and also that the old faceplate could not have left marks on the dash. The other solution would be to remove some material from the back side of the dash allowing the radio to stick out farther and that would allow the shorter stems to reach thru the dash. Hope this helps.


    We used washers to secure the radio, the volume/on off and tuner dials work as installed.  Because the stems are a little too short the fader control doesn’t engage.  I only have two speakers in the rear deck so this is not an issue.  Having the fader is not worth the work to remove some of the dash material .  If I have front and rear speakers I would have to reconsider.


    Mel Zeiger


    geoff104 wrote:
    My dad sent me this link which solves my radio problems Thanks Dad!


    Here is a link to a like mine on ebay: Car-Stereo-Radio-iPod-USB_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem53df19e 2f3QQitemZ360225301235QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAc cessories




    Thanks for the link Mel. The only problem is that I have to power 4 speakers and 2 x 15 watts probably won’t cut it. I think the memory card feature is really great though. Thanks again

    gil goltz



    Bought and installed the same radio last year. Same problem, thickness of the dash would not allow me to use fader controls. I also have two speakers mounted in rear, so it didn’t turn out to be much of a problem. Have about three hours of music on a USB stick, I listen to the stick mostly when I can remember to bring it with me. Darn good sounding radio for $49.00.


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