Pitting tip

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  • #233057
    Mel Zeiger


    Brought Mrs. Peel home yesterday, finally she is permanetly in my garage. 

     A friend who is a boat guy gave me a tip to remove pitting from the chrome(on her overriders).  Treated them with 3M marine metal polish and restorer.  Them rubbed them down with aluminum foil and finally retreated them with the 3M. 

    They came out great and saved me the cost of new overriders. 

    Thought I would pass the tip on.

    Monday I will order the wire wheels




    Steve Crites


    Good tip! 

    But be aware that the metal polish is just that, a polish, and you will still need to wax the parts to protect them and keep the pitting from coming back even quicker. 

    Larry Murphy


     I had heard of using aluminum foil but have not tried it. I’m guessing that the foil is softer than the chrome finish so it cuts the rust or pitting without being too hard on the chrome. Did you use good quality ,heavy duty foil or the cheaper store brand? Also I’M assuming that you crumple it up to form a ball much like a steel wool pad. Does the marine polish then polish out the fine scratches left by the foil?

     I’ve tried just using chrome or metal polish with minimal results and lots of hard rubbing.

    Mel Zeiger


    Larry Murphy wrote:

     I had heard of using aluminum foil but have not tried it. I’m guessing that the foil is softer than the chrome finish so it cuts the rust or pitting without being too hard on the chrome. Did you use good quality ,heavy duty foil or the cheaper store brand? Also I’M assuming that you crumple it up to form a ball much like a steel wool pad. Does the marine polish then polish out the fine scratches left by the foil?

     I’ve tried just using chrome or metal polish with minimal results and lots of hard rubbing.

    I used the heavy commercial grade I bought at Sam’s Club.  The Marine polish takes out most of the exisitng scratches and anything from the foil.

    Gonna wax them tomorrow



    edward ericson


    This sounds like a great tip. Will give it a try. Thanks!

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