Somewhere. But not immediately findable. I’ll shoot the tool carrier tomorrow if you like. I no longer can use it, as the space is not occupied by a radiator. Basically it’s a plywood rhombus with three-inch sides and a 2×4 hanging off the front. The 2×4 rested on the beam and the back was supported by two more L brackets I riveted to the fiberglass substructure that formed the battery box.
The tool carrier had my jack, a bunch of wrenches and screw drivers and my four-way, and I made a foam insert to fit over top of it to keep everything semi-quiet. The insert was held in place by the floor of the “main trunk,” which sat on four L brackets above, each with a stud.
The studs had no nuts on them until recently, when i reduced the floor size (again, to clear my new radiator and fan shroud. Now the space underneath it is pressurized by incoming air, so i bolt it all down. None of which is relevant to you….
I’ll look for pics of the rig and get back to you.