Replaced Frame Head

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    mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”;color:windowtext” lang=”EN-GB”>Well, we got a late
    start but we got it done….almost

    Following the advice of several folks here and on the Samba web site we
    measured, measured, measured and then measured some more.  We used several
    constants from the frame itself as well as from the floor.  Even though
    the floor wasn’t exactly level (although it was very close) we used the
    measurements as the baseline for the new frame.  As long as every
    measurement from the new head was the same as the old one we knew we had
    installed it correctly.

    I’ll spare you all the details, cuz there were plenty, but here’s a quick photo

    After all the measurements we finally started cutting. That’s my son doing the cutting.

    Finally off…

    Not sure what an original looks like but this kinda looks like I’m not the first guy to do this…..

    I had them shore up the tunnel with some extra steel so we had to modify the replacement part to fit properly.  Took a several cycles but we finally got it…

    Measure, measure, measure…..tack weld, measure, measure, measure, tack weld…you get the idea.  I used my motorcycle jack to hold it in place.

    And finally……

    We had one scary moment when I realized we forgot to verify one of our crucial measurements…AFTER we had finished tacking the head on.  Had to cut away some tack welds, reposition and tack again but we caught it early enough so we were good.

    In the end we had 2 measurements that were less than 1/16 off from our baseline.  In my research I learned I had 1/8 inch tolerance so I took a deep breath and we called it good.

    We still have to weld the underside and do some repair work on the tunnel where we cut out some rust but once that’s done the floor pans go on and we move to other things.


    mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”;color:windowtext;mso-ansi-:

    Larry Murphy


     Thanks for the excellent pictures and description of what looks to me to be a major project. This should remove any question as to whether or not you can salvage this chassis.

    Peter C. King



    Now I understand. You’re building the automotive equivalent of Abraham Lincoln’s original axe.

    That’s the one with 2 new heads and 3 new handles.

    Will there be anything left of the original when you are finished?

    Are you going to put the body on hinges so that you can show off this masterpiece?



    Paul Mossberg


    Great work Rocky!

    And thanks for the tech pictures!

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    Scott A Chynoweth


    Looking good

    Nice work so far.


    Bill Gould


    It’s nothing I could ever hope to attempt or achieve, but I can certainly sit here and applaud in awe.

    Excellent work, Rocky!

    1981 Lafer TI
    1600 cc Type 1 engine

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