Replacing Carb

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    Have encountered a problem with Solex 34 Pict 3 with throttle bushings leaking fuel. Understand they can be refurbed if I ship to US. CIP1 carries a Euromax that appears to be a 34 Pict 3 knockoff which according to my VW mechanic is a poor replacement for the original equipment. He is recommending a Bocar which he claims is as good or better than the OE carb. Anyone have any experience with the Bocar carb?
    Alternatively, what is the recommended replacement that will last as long as the OE carb which I thinks dates to 1972

    David B Dixon
    Port Perry ON CA



    Hi  David,

    It was great meeting you at Carlisle and I hope the trip back up North after our Rainy Carlisle Outing was uneventful and fun!!

    I have not had experience with the CB Performance 34PICT replacement but everything I hear about CB Performance is good.  I was asking John at AIRCOOLED.NET  about getting a Redline Weber Carb kit and he steered me toward the CB Performance kit stating that the kit components were (in his opinion) superior to the Redline kit….and from what I can gather, the folks at AIRCOOLED.NET have been go-to experts for a lot of years….so I say getting the after market one from CB Performance is a much better solution than trying to find an OEM rebuilt or a Chinese knock-off.

    Let us know how it works out for you

    Happy Jack





    If you are leaking fuel, it sounds more like your float is set too high or is leaking by or you have a leaking gasket.  The reason I say this is because the throttle shaft and bushings are normally under vacuum and would only leak air into the manifold which would cause a lean mixture.  Squirt some oil on the throttle shaft and see if it changes idle rpm.  (Some people squirt carb cleaner on the shaft and watch for rpm changes.)  Any change indicates a throttle shaft/bushing leak.

    You likely could fix this problem yourself if so inclined.



    Only challenge encountered returning from Carlisle was that GPS could not find Canada. Changed setting to Buffalo NY and as soon as I crossed the border it reset. Strange

    Will be removing carb to check on float which I assume has some adjustment screw to change float level. How can one repair/replace the throttle shaft bushings? I don’t have access to a machine shop to do any boring or fabrication for bushings which is what I thought was required.

    David B Dixon
    Port Perry ON CA



    David, see

    Rebushing SU Carburetor Bodies


    Have fun.  It may be (with a little luck) that only the throttle shaft needs replacing and the bushings are ok.  That’s relatively simple and straightforward.

    There are instructions for setting the float height on-line.  It’s not difficult.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Royal.
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