Rust stain

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    James Cochran


    Well, I knew sooner or later I would do this. I was working on the car and set a steel washer on the white gelcoat (DUH ). I forgot about the washer and we had a brief shower. The next day, I saw the washer and removed it from the car body, but holy cow….it left a not-so-fond memory of where it was laying . A nice rust ring, right in front of the windshield. I tried a little polishing compound and got a lot of it removed, but you can still see it .

    I decided to stop my efforts until I posted here for any advice on how to remove it safely and cleanly. Thanks

    Steve Crites


    Don’t you hate how something so simple can be such a pain in the butt to get rid of?

    Oxalic acid will neutralize rust.  It’s the active ingredient in most wood bleach sold at Lowes or HD. Check the ingredients to be sure it’s oxalic acid based.  DON”T use bleach, it’ll just set the stain.  I’ve used it on many surfaces, but never fibreglass.  Check it on a hidden spot and just use a little at a time, dabbing on for minute, then wiping, until you can see what it does.

    Good Luck!

    Dan Rosa


     That would work ,muriatic acid would also , that is my rust remover of many years but a little tricky to work with   Dan

    James Cochran


    Thanks guys. I had heard that boat dealers use diluted muriatic acid to ‘freshen’ boats and remove all sorts of stains. I had heard that Oxalic acid is the prime ingredient in Barkeeper’s Friend. I’ll start with Oxalic and if that doesn’t get it, I’ll check with Dan about how to dilute the muriatic acid. Thanks a million,

    Dan Rosa


      James  if you use Mauriatic acid mix about 2/3 water use rubber gloves and eye safety glasses if you like . it will not hurt unless you have a cut keep plenty of water close and rinse well this acid is not bad to work with it will loosen most rusted bolts remember it will eat aluminum to mush, zinc  and concrete too and will take tarnish off brass & copper  I used it to loosen my fuel sending unite that was frozen solid with rust when i bought” Dixie Cup”Navel jelly will do the same thing  as muriatic acid just less strong . mixed with zinc it will boil the gas that makes is H2 and will burn white hot  if you light it , my father would make the best solder flux with it dissolving zinc in it till it will not dissolve any more.  Good luck  Have Fun  Dan

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