Seat Cushion Wood Dimensions

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    Does anyone have the dimensions for the wood used for the seat bottoms? A pattern with measurements would be great but I’ll settle for something like “inside edge is X inches, 45 degree towards back is X inches, etc.” I have to cut the 3/4 inch plywood to the correct pattern before I can attach the foam.

    Also I’m going to try an idea for firmer seats. A friend has a golf cart that was damaged (really damaged) and he’s tossing all but the motor. The seat is torn but otherwise in okay shape and he’s giving that to me to try out my seat cushion idea. If my test fit works, I’ll get some foam from a golf cart manufacture I know of. But I need the dimensions for the wood base before I can start. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    If it’ll stop raining this weekend I’ll give it a try. And I’ll post pictures of what I do.

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

    Montie Henderson



     I re-did my seats a couple weeks ago.  My seat bottom board measured 14 1/4 front to back, front is 16 1/2 and the back is 14 1/2.  All 4 corners are rounded approx a 4 inch diameter circle and then all edges were sanded smooth, (rounded top to bottom).  I used 5 inch very dense foam from an ulpostery shop.   I thought it would be too thick but it worked.. I did a post on it last week but I forgot to take pictures for the process. 

    WHAT a difference, we just got back from a 2 hr drive to a car show, 2 hr break at the show then 2 hr drive home and no TBS (tired but syndrome).  We did get quite cooked.   Montie



    Thanks Montie. I’ll get started on that tomorrow and take pictures as I go.

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

    Larry Murphy


     Allen, I can’t remember if the upholstry came with your kit ,but if you have it ,you would need to make the seat boards the same size and shape as the seat covers to get a good fit.You could trace arround the top edge of the cover to make a pattern for the base.

    Montie Henderson


    Larry, Are you sure?  My board is quite a bit smaller than the top of the seat cover.  Even the old foam cusion I took out was at least 2″ larger all around the board.  The foam really conforms to the shape of the seat cover.  Thats 1 concern I had using the 5″ new foam.  The guy at the ulpostery shop assured me it wouln’t be an issue.  I did have just enough seat cover edge to re-attach on the bottom.  It was tight fit, had to have the wife stand on the board while I stapled it. 


    1. for cutting the foam use you electric knife (that turkey wont mind next November)   cut the foam about 1/2″ to 1″ larger than the seat cover top (it will squash in there and conform to the shape)

    2. stapling;  be sure to start in the center of each side working out toward each corner, doing the corners last.  (a electric or air stapler a plus here but an old Swingline T-50 would work if you have strong hands (about 40 or 50 staples per seat)

    3. if you cover the bottom with carpet when your done use a few staples to hold it on the bottom of the board then double sided tape for the edges.   alot less messy than glue and holds


    Larry Murphy


     Montie, I goofed again.OuchI forgot that the seat tapers toward the base with the amount of floor space being somewhat smaller than the top of the seat.. On my BCW,the person who did the seats for Mark  must have used the method I described above. The seat bottoms are pretty much the same top to bottom . The bottom is as big as the floor space allowed but the top could have been larger and NEEDS to be to be comfortable. I find myself slipping off the edge when turning corners. The BCW’s body design really limits the width of the seat bottoms.My seats closely resemble the other Chevette based cars that I have seen.Thanks for catching my goof . Just goes to show that we all can benefit from the experience of someone who has been there and done that.

    Richard Johnson


    I tried to respond to your PM but screwed up somehow so my reply to your request is posted under my original post for the free seats, etc. Let me know what you wish me to do.
    Bare in mind that my seats are from the CMC/Chevette kit but I assume the dimensions are similiar.

    Catch ya later,



    Richard you have a PM.

    Thanks guys for all the help. Montie I was wondering how you attached the uphoslery after using the thicker foam. I was envisioning small screws but glad to know staples will work. So you didn’t use 3M spray carpet glue tohold the foam to the wood. That’s also good to know.

    Last question on the cushions. Does/is the cushion thinner (sits lower ) at the back of the seat than the front?

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

    Montie Henderson



    I made my cushions the same thickness all over.  If you make it thinner in the back that is probably where you actually sit and you—-well  I wanted all the cush I could get there.

     I made new seat bases out of plywood.  Basicly I made a box approx the same length and width of the original fiberglass ones.  You can actually make them a bit larger what ever will fit in the space.  The storage space is very handy.  I made the front 4″ tall and the back 3″ giving a slight angle toward the back.  I glued and brad nailed (air nailers are boss) all 6 pieces together, then I cut a opening in the top leaving approx 1 1/2 from each edge. (mark all around and plunge cut with circular saw, finish cutting corners with a jig saw)  

    Tricky part was positioning it and marking the holes that match the pan.  Had to mark the holes from under the car, best to mark one hole drill it, drop a bolt in and drill the next (repete). Before I installed the bases I covered the top, sides and inside with carpet to match the carpet in the car.   Wallmart and O’Riley’s had black and brown. 

    I almost forgot, I attached my seat belts to the sides of the seat bases too, before I bolted the bases down.  Prob wouldn’t do much good in an accident but the way I look at it, a seat belt in these is pretty much a waste of time anyway, but it’s the law.   


    Tom Colello


    Does your seat sit down into something? If so you could use a piece of cardboard and rough trace it out and trim till it fits and use that for a pattern. 

    Hugh Coffey


    The dimensions are pretty much what you want for comfort. I am making new bottoms for mine, and I have cut the foam so it is a little taller at the side edges, to keep my bum in the middle, this requires cutting two wedges to glue to the top. Be sure not to make them too wide, this can cause problems when you put something in the door pocket. I am speaking from experience. I made my bases about 2 inches shorter than the originals, I had a problem with my head with the top up. Make it what works best for you. The dimensions given are right on for the original for CMC or my Design Classics. Goog luck. Let me know if your foam is comfortable, these things can be rough on a long trip.

    Have fun, life is too short!

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