Home Forums General Discussion WOOD MG

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  • #235856
    Rosebud and Bill


    Here’s a 1974 MG Midget that has been re-bodied in wood.  Anyone want to start converting their MGTDr into a wooden masterpiece.


    Bad Bill

    Rosebud and Bill


    Forgot to put the information blurb for the Wood MG sbove.


    PMOSSBERG2015-09-23 15:47:24

    Bad Bill

    edward ericson


    That is amazing. Wish we had more details about the build.

    John Simion


    Amazing talent, awesome workmanship, and because I really respect that I really hate to say this … but IMHO it’s not really very attractive for all the work that went into it.  The woodwork is beautiful, but the shape and enclosing the wheels entirely makes it look like a cross between a bar of soap and a bumper car.  And the upholstery doesn’t go well with the wood color, either.johnsimion2015-09-24 01:24:19



    Very neat thing there. But like johnsimion was saying something didn’t seem right to me either but I think it’s because it has the look of indoor furniture. Or I just don’t know how to appreciate it the way the builder must have been envisioning that car.

    Another thought I couldn’t get away from is the 1940’s airliner form it has. Would be interesting to see a small propeller at each front fender. Uh, okay, maybe that would be too much!
    Got to wonder how much it weighs. If they used very thin wood strips on an interior structure of wood or what.
    But like the nice old small wooden boats I’ve seen before this really fits in well with those, even if probably not towing one of them.

    LRH2015-09-24 02:48:39

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