
  • Thanks for your reply. It forced me to look elsewhere for the source of the squeaking. I discovered that the wheel bearings were the problem. They needed to be tightened. Quiet now.

  • I have a 1952 MG Replica with wire spoked wires. After driving for a short period of time, a squeaking sound comes from by wheels that is in unison with wheel rotation. I assume this sound is caused by the spokes criss-crossing each other or where the spokes connect to the rim. Don’t think it is related to the brakes or wheel bearings. Anyone e…[Read more]

  • Allen posted a new activity comment 2 years, 9 months ago

    Photo of my right-side wheel hub spinner. 2-winged that came off during a drive and is lost. Looking for a replacement, but having no luck. Anybody have these to sell or know where I could possibly locate one or a set?
    • Photo of my right-side wheel hub spinner. 2-winged that came off during a drive and is lost. Looking for a replacement, but having no luck. Anybody have these to sell or know where I could possibly locate one or a set?
        • Photo of my right-side wheel hub spinner. 2-winged that came off during a drive and is lost. Looking for a replacement, but having no luck. Anybody have these to sell or know where I could possibly locate one or a set?
        • Looking for a Wheel Hub Spinner for my MG Replica which was lost during a drive. It is a two pointed spinner. Anyone have one or know where I can get one?<span class=”Apple-converted-space”> </span>

        • See my Posting of my enclosing the open space of the trunk of my VW MG with pictures showing what I did.

        • Allen posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago

          My MG Replica did not have an enclosed trunk, so I made one myself using 1/16″ sheets of G-10 fiber glass. However, I made a template out of cardboard first and trimmed until it fit correctly, then used this as my pattern to cut the fiber glass. The Wood knob allows me easily remove the assembly to access the wiring and mechanical linkage. Looks…[Read more]

        • Thanks for reply. I am assuming it is the switch because the bulb is good. Looks like a tough place to reach and change the switch from the bottom. Wonder if the switch be reached from the inside. Car in storage now and will look inside next time I check the car and follow the wires. Basically a push-buttton configuration type switch. If I cannot…[Read more]

        • Is there a proper way to raise the MG to replace the backup sensor? Ramps or jack? I do not want to stress the body connections to the metal frame. I don’t believe there is way to access the sensor from the inside. MG has an air cooled VW engine, if that has any affect on the situation.<span class=”Apple-converted-space”> </span>

        • Allen became a registered member 3 years, 4 months ago

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