cucumber1949 replied to the topic "London Roadster" in the forum TD Replicas 17 years, 6 months ago
I bought my wife a London Roadster about a year and a half ago and she loves it. Hers is on a VW chassis and engine, with a fully automatic transmission. Great little car – reliable and economical.
cucumber1949 replied to the topic London Roadster VIN in the forum General Discussion 17 years, 7 months ago
I own a London Roadster which was factory built. The VIN number plate is riveted to the driver’s side of the transmission tunnel, just in front of the driver’s seat, directly below the shifter mounting bracket. I had to remove / lift up the carpet at that location to see it. The VIN for factory built cars will start with “LCWL” and be 16…[Read more]
cucumber1949 replied to the topic inthepink photo in the forum TD Replicas 17 years, 8 months ago
That is indeed a London Roadster. London Coach Works Limited affixed their own VIN plate to their factory-assembled cars – the location as mentioned in the above post on this thread. The VIN will start off with “LCWL” followed by a two digit year it was manufactured, and then a series of 10 digits after that. The LCWL stands for “London Coach…[Read more]
cucumber1949 replied to the topic inthepink photo in the forum TD Replicas 17 years, 9 months ago
I own a London Roadster which was factory built. The VIN number plate is riveted to the driver’s side of the transmission tunnel, just in front of the driver’s seat, directly below the shifter mounting bracket. I had to remove / lift up the carpet at that location to see it.
cucumber1949 replied to the topic london motors in the forum General Discussion 18 years, 2 months ago
I am the owner of a London Roadster. Have done some research on the car and the company.
History of the company:
London Coach Works Limited, Dearborn, Michigan. The registered office address was 25190 Michigan Ave, Inkster, Michigan, 48141. It looks like it was first incorporated on 9-26-1978 (1,000 shares). I have found a second incorporation n…[Read more] - Load More