Dave B. replied to the topic cowl brackets for TDr? in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 7 months ago
Thanks, Paul.I spoke with him and he’s keen to give it a try. I explained to him that the issue is working with car kits from various manufacturers whose dimensions not only don’t match the original MG, but even vary among themselves. He wants to start with the dimensions of mine (a Duchess) and see what’s involved. That should give him some id…[Read more]
Dave B. replied to the topic cowl brackets for TDr? in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 8 months ago
Let me run it by him and see what he says.
Dave B. replied to the topic cowl brackets for TDr? in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 8 months ago
In the same vein (and since I apparently created a monster by starting this thread eons ago) I thought some of you might appreciate what my son has done combining 3d printing and casting aluminum:https://jimvsworld.wordpress.com/3d-printing-carburetor-repair-with-pla-investment-casting/-Dave
PMOSSBERG2015-07-27 10:03:07 -
Dave B. replied to the topic Cross Country via the Back Roads in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 10 months ago
Bill,Our place in PA is only a few miles off of Rt. 220 and, as I
reckon it, about an hour and a half shy of your destination. We’re up
there a good bit of the time as we get ready to move there permanently,
and could probably arrange to be there when you come through. We’d be
honored if you could work it out to stop by. -Dave -
Dave B. replied to the topic be carful in the forum General Discussion 10 years ago
That’s called “destinesia” — when you can’t remember where you were going and why you were going there.
Dave B. replied to the topic The Land Down Under in the forum Clubs and Show 10 years ago
PaulHave a great trip. I lived in Oz for six years and the people are phenomenal. Just remember to look both ways before you cross the street. -Dave
Dave B. replied to the topic AUDREY_HEPBURN in the forum General Discussion 10 years ago
Actually, Bill, the car goes up in flames. Sorry to have to break it to you.
Dave B. replied to the topic Manufacturer Comparison in the forum Manufacturer Comparison 10 years, 1 month ago
Another useful bit of information might be what’s in the medallion at the top of the grill. Some, if not most, copy the original “MG,” whereas others have unique labels, such as the “MP” in the MP Lafer.
Dave B. replied to the topic Toshiro Mifune in a MGTD from the movie Yojimbo in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for posting the picture, Bill. That was always one of my favorite foreign films. A couple of years back I watched Sergio Leone’s “A Fistful of Dollars” with my son, who pointed out the fact that it was essentially the same movie in a Western setting.But I never knew about the car.
Dave B. replied to the topic Propane TDr? in the forum VW Based Kits 10 years, 2 months ago
Roy,My last tour in Australia (’96-’99) I drove a dual-fuel vehicle that could switch between “gas” (i. e. propane) and petrol. I used propane whenever possible because it was more economical, but that was because the infrastructure was there to make it viable as a motor fuel. Most of the petrol stations had a propane pump, and refueling was v…[Read more]
Dave B. replied to the topic Classic Car Insurance in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 2 months ago
Vicenç,Sorry–I’ve been off-line for a few days and I’m just reading your question to me now. As far as I knew, I had straightforward USAA coverage. I’ll have to take a closer look at the policy and see if there’s anyone else in the chain. When I bought mine it was already registered in PA with regular plates and that may have been a factor in…[Read more]
Dave B. replied to the topic Winter Ride in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for the photos. You guys are making me feel guilty for winterizing mine.
Dave B. replied to the topic Whatcha get for Christmas? in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 2 months ago
That would have been unsportsmanlike.
Dave B. replied to the topic Chevy 2.2L dutchess in the forum My Project 10 years, 2 months ago
I recently received the following from MG Magic in response to my question about whether their top would fit my Duchess:
The Duchess is a difficult fit for our top as I believe the cockpit is larger.Please measure your kit compared to the details in the description portion of the MG top.I believe along with moving the bows you need more material… -
Dave B. replied to the topic Whatcha get for Christmas? in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 2 months ago
My son very thoughtfully gave me the overalls I’m wearing in this picture. As I’ve already mentioned here, in preparation for my impending retirement, I had a garage built. (The plan was to build the garage, retire, and then buy the roadster, but we got a bit out of sequence.) Altogether this year, counting the roadster, Craigslist linked me up…[Read more]
Dave B. replied to the topic Classic Car Insurance in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 3 months ago
Paul,Along with the others, I am grateful for your insights into the complicated and confusing world of insuring something as unconventional as a TDr. I have mine insured with USAA. They’ve given me great service over the years and didn’t flinch at the prospect of insuring a kit car. At the moment, mine is garaged for the winter with di…[Read more]
Dave B. replied to the topic Reverse Light(s) in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 3 months ago
Mine came with a pair.
Dave B. replied to the topic Small scratches in chrome in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 3 months ago
Roy,This might be what you’re looking for:http://www.amazon.com/Green-Rouge-Polishing-Buffing-Compound/dp/B003K7U0J6(It's also the ideal material to use on a leather strop to hone knife edges.)If the scratches are fine enough, you might be surprised to find that toothpaste will do the job. -Dave
Dave B. replied to the topic Thanksgiving in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 4 months ago
I’m happy to add my voice. Sounds like we all have a lot of reasons to be thankful. Best wishes to you all and thanks for the help and encouragement.-Dave
Dave B. replied to the topic Floor Mats in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 4 months ago
Looks great, Vicenç. Did you do the cover on the steering wheel?
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