Carlene marie replied to the topic A daytona in Ga. in the forum My Project 14 years, 11 months ago
Hi fellas~haven’t done anything more with this, summer was just too much and his bike has taken center stage. We’ve decided to start reducing some of the projects we’ve accumulated in the past few years. This is one, I really want to go camping and have gotten an atv and looking for another. Also trying to fix up my bay/bus for traveling and the…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic A daytona in Ga. in the forum My Project 15 years, 6 months ago
well it had a heartbeat. Took it out and installed it in my car. It’s engine was dieing fast, bent ex valve, possibly eaten valve seatt and so much end play the clutch and flywheel looked like new from all the oil nice and shiney, , luckily though the disc has stayed dry, somehow. On the MG engine, The oil screen was clean and the oil was like…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic A daytona in Ga. in the forum My Project 15 years, 7 months ago
IT LIVES!!!!! he finally got away from the bikes, put in a charged battery, a fuel can on top of the lid, adjusted the elec dist (it was tight against the shaft) hooked up a quick start switch, and fired it up!It has 60lbs of oil pres, and idles at 40! I am STOKED!!!!!
Carlene marie replied to the topic Daytona migi in the forum General Discussion 15 years, 7 months ago
I’m bored while doing laundry, figured I’d post a couple things I just came across. Thom, you may have these~from the site~ http://www.mclellansautomotive.com/lit/bysub/kit-cars-and-re plicars/daytonaautomotive/index.shtml
and this tidbit in a description for a 4pg sales flyer.~quoted~ NOTE: Company
was later sold to Fiberfab. endanother tidbit,…[
Carlene marie replied to the topic Daytona migi in the forum General Discussion 15 years, 7 months ago
It dawned on me last night, lately I have been slower on some simple
and obviuos things, and being blonde helps according to most,but I
remembered that just because the copyright states 1975, doesn’t mean it was built in 75. I can’t read
the Fla reg tag, so who knows when this was actually molded and built. Like a copywrited
book, it may be…[
Carlene marie replied to the topic Daytona migi in the forum General Discussion 15 years, 8 months ago
did you see this id in my build thread?
(click for bigger pic)it says nothing more than copyright 1975(an ID number starting with C , I fuzzed it out)Laverne J Martincicbody by Daytona.It’s on a 74 bug frame.I did some searching last month when we got this. Not much online about the company, that 3 people ran in daytona. I found an address and a…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic Daytona migi in the forum General Discussion 15 years, 8 months ago
Thanks Mindseye!Great info! And like you said Paul, an antique kit lol! fits right in with all the other old cars we have :)Does yours have a tag on the tunnel also? I don’t have a pic posted of mine, but it’s there , listing it as a registered kit car in Fla. There’s some more pics in a thread in the my project area too. Haven’t done much more to…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic Year of doner car? in the forum VW Based Kits 15 years, 8 months ago
on the top of the tunnel, under the seat, ,in front of the shifter coupler cover plate, should be some numbers stamped into that area. That will be for the pan/frame, but vws are so interchangeable, it will not confirm yrs of the engine or the tranny. Hope that helps~
Carlene marie replied to the topic Oil Temperature Sensor in the forum VW Based Kits 15 years, 8 months ago
VDO has 2 available , FOR vw. One goes in the head of the dipstick, the other goes in the oil drain plug. Some folks will drill and tap it to go into the sump instead. It’s just a small brass piece with a small button on top. Price a while back ran around $30 for the drain plug one. They should list them on their website. There are VDOs in the…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic A daytona in Ga. in the forum My Project 15 years, 8 months ago
Oh I’m not in a hurry . If this were my only car, I might be. If anything I have more patience than hubby does. It’s not all that big a project really, not like a metal body in the same shape would be. We have plenty of spare parts out back, we sorta collect bugs lol! But no, no discouragement here. He’s said he’ll get the engine running this…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic A daytona in Ga. in the forum My Project 15 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, around here, there are alot of ‘oh I wish I had this at home instead of it wasting away in the junkyard/back fields’ cars. But we have way too many as it is. Can’t afford to do them big projects anyways. This one though is doable fairly easy. Would be much easier if the almost new frame with new pans under a dune buggy had a current title.…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic A daytona in Ga. in the forum My Project 15 years, 8 months ago
(fixed my spelling, I scrapped off the strips, old keyboard)Here’s a few pics. More loaded in the photobucket though.
will leave it this way.
it looks so bare now.
today would be a good day to work on it, won’t be as hot, but I’m to the point it needs stronger backs than me. I will get it up on blocks though just to have it level and get the rotted…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic A daytona in Ga. in the forum My Project 15 years, 8 months ago
Very cool Ringo!I’ll be making a chiropractor appt early this month, and I’m sure he’ll ask, ‘ ok. what are you doing now you are really tweaked’ um,,, just cleaning, I swear!!!!
He knows better. Took the grillS, both of them off. Going to use the original one, it just won’t look right with no chrome on the bottom. So we’ll paint it with the…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic A daytona in Ga. in the forum My Project 15 years, 8 months ago
Was wondering if it was real/repo MG. Fixing to remove the headlights in a few to get it off. I have the floors all swept out, I hate rust in the yard. And the engine is degreased. Found the two idle stop screws laying in oil, plus dozen nuts. Found a handful of bolts, nuts, and screws under a piece of plywood on the drivers side. 3 of those are…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic Daytona migi in the forum General Discussion 15 years, 8 months ago
I just checked it, it’s in the gel coat. Many years ago I worked at a boat shop, and the builder of the hulls did the same thing, his looked like that too. I’ll use some paint stripper over that instead of sanding when we get to that part.
Carlene marie replied to the topic A daytona in Ga. in the forum My Project 15 years, 8 months ago
3 hrs. 100* but I wanted to get started. Washed and scrubbed it, removed the spare tire, and then gutted it. Nothing more than a fiberglass sheet on the passenger floor, on the driver side, a trimmed to fit piece of plywood. All the carpet is out, dry rotted so it basically just crumbled. Have everything piled up, will keep the seat for a…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic Problems, problems in the forum General Discussion 15 years, 8 months ago
On a mechanical speedo, check the cable. Make sure it’s spinning freely in the case, if it has any stiff bends , it may have worn a rough spot in the housing and any drag and needle will jump a bit. Make sure it’s securely connected at both ends. On our bugs, it connects at the front wheel, some times they vibrate loose and if not tight would be…[Read more]
Carlene marie replied to the topic Daytona migi in the forum General Discussion 15 years, 8 months ago
http://s9.photobucket.com/albums/a71/crbugs143/MG/These are the pics I have so far, will get more when we get it home and scrub it clean. There’s a pic of the ID on the front wall, I blanked out the serial #’s they are there , just habit. I did a bit of researching this past week, and the ‘body by daytona’ lead to a company in Daytona , Fla…[Read more]
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