Wendy Carr replied to the topic Oil Dipstick guide detached in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Can anyone tell me WHERE the dip stick is supposed to be? I can not find anything that looks like a tube coming off the oil pan. Can anyone send a picture of where their dipstick is located on a pinto build?
Wendy Carr replied to the topic Question about glass fuse system in Ford Duchess kit in the forum General Discussion 6 months, 2 weeks ago
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Paul has told me that some circuits are always on/hot, like the headlights. So I know I need to turn my key to the on position, but not start the car, and retest those 8 other circuits to see if they light up with the light meter. He also said that the light indicates that the circuits are working. A non lit circuit…[Read more]
Wendy Carr started the topic Question about glass fuse system in Ford Duchess kit in the forum General Discussion 6 months, 2 weeks ago
I need help. I’m trying to diagnose a short. My turn signals/gas gage/wipers shorted out. All are on the same circuit. I’m testing with a light meter. I get a light on the 4 fuse connectors to the right(#1-4). I do not get any light reading on the other 8 connectors (#5-12).
I found 2 wires that had shorted out and melted the casings. I wrapped…[Read more]
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