Rich’s Ride

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James Cochran



Rich, I just noticed something as I was admiring your TD. Your headlight mounts. They are like the real deal mounts rather than the Fiberfab metal straps. I have thought of replacing mine with ones like yours. Did you switch or were they on the TD already? I love them. They really look great. I keep running your trip in my mind and visualizing your TD zooming down the road without snow and the kids with noses to the window . Thanks for the posting, got me all rev’d up. I posted a link to some videos for a warm-up for spring cruising in another topic area. I already got my Beach Boys MP3’s and 50’s rock ready to play some tunes on the highway . I sent Mel (Luvmytd)the video links since he has to wait until June to get behind the TD wheel in Florida. His baby is a beautiful red also. Hang in there Mel!


PS I had polished my headlight mounts with the German polish and they turned into bright chrome within seconds. Sweet!