Well there’s another Carlisle show in the history books. The weather was perfect and I think most of us had a pretty good time. It was great to see Bill and Audrey Haas with their new (two years old to them) green machine, and Bill Ascheman with his race MG’s cooling problems sorted. The Haas’s got the “longest drive” award for coming 250 miles from Pittsburg in the TDr.
It was also great to meet Gary and Doreen Wilson of upstate New York. Gary is building a Ford-powered kit from scratch.
Paul Mossberg brought his snazzy Intermecchanica 356 Cabriolet and suffered a shifter bushing failure, which the Beck-Special Edition guys fixed on the road to get him home. Another one of the Speedster group members donated a new rear shift rod bushing and bracket to the cause.
I got Projeckt Spyder in as a “Featured Vehicle” and that was a thrill, although it meant I couldn’t be out driving the car with some of the other folks. I did get to wear my new hat on the way home.

Thanks to Bill In Parts for taking that pic.