Club Grill Badges

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  • #236543
    William J Collins


    Badges are now in stock again as today March 16th 2010…

    I did ask some that wanted one to hold off on ordering till they arrived .. So now it’s time… Order up..

    IF enough sell   NO ONE will have to donate to the website this year

    gil goltz



           Check in the mail today for one badge. Couldn’t get the Pay-Pal function to work.


    Bodge Garage


    Badge arrived. Love it!

    Stephen Chuck


    Can we also purchase the badge bar on a group purchase to make it less expensive?  If so, I would be interested!

    William J Collins


    Badge bars are really Marine Boat Store item —A hatch “Grab handle”

    pick one up a a marine supply store ..measure what you need between your

    fenders to fit and buy that size.. the badge for TDReplica club are on the

    “Our Store” link on the left side of the home page. Who is the group? your

    speaking ofBill Collins40296.5120023148

    Mark Hendrickson


    Bill, I think he was talking about this TDReplica forum as the “group”.

    Stephen Chuck


    True, as a group, I meant us.  So, since the boat railing or handle is the way to go, can you tell me what size rail/rod to purchase?  Will the badge fit a 7/8″ or a 1″ rod?


    PS, the badge looks GREAT!!

    William J Collins


    OK answer to your first question .. The badges are already purchased as a

    group purchase. ( I ordered fifty ) Second answer the badge bar I had on

    Angelica was one inch.. The Clips I supply can be used on several size bars

    (3/4 to 1 inch)before its closed altogether.. depends on how tight you turn

    the screw to close the gap of the clip

    Also some including myself have placed a piece of rubber between the bar

    and clip and it helps to keep the badge from turning on the bar



    Just wanted to say to those folks who have not purchased the TD Club Grill Badge…..GET ONE! They are SWEEEEEEET!   Thanks Bill and the rest who had a hand in these badges. 

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

    William J Collins


    Allen .Thanks for the nice words..(Testermonial) Still got like 40 left from the fifty

    steve french


    New here, How do I purchase one nad price?

    Dennis Brock


    Just got my badges.  One for each car.  They are even better looking than their pictures.  Easy buy.  Just paypaled the money to the email address, and voila!  Many thanks.



    I just tried to order one using Pay Pal and could not get it to work. Did I do somthing wrong or do I just need to send money? The car is about togather. Its time for the badge.

    William J Collins


    kschas…. you have a PM

    Peter C. King



    Detroit cars you buy all at once. Kit cars you buy one piece at a time.

    I just bought a grill badge.

    Now I just need the rest of the car.

    You have to start someplace.

    It’s a pretty badge.


    William J Collins


    Hey It’s a start…Now buy a good condition Volkswagen Beetle..Junk the body

    and prep the chassis..then find unused KIT.. and walaa twenty yrs later a

    finished car…just joking .. glad ya like the Badge

    Peter C. King



    I breathed enough CO2 from VW heater boxes.

    I’m going to do it the hard way. I want a front engined car.

    Thanks for your work on the badge. It goes right next to my microcar-minicar badge. I will have a very interesting badge bar.


    Peter C. King



    I just bought a sign to go with the beautiful grill badge.

    MG PARKING ONLY classic sport car street sign

    On Amazon for $19.95 + $7 shipping.

    If I buy enough accessories can a car be far behind?


    edward ericson



    I keep buying accessories and stuff ever since I got the car. Dunno why.

    Peter C. King



    Does that mean that you didn’t want to hear about the sign? Sorry.

    Nice steering wheel.

    How about a “Lucas – Prince of Darkness pin”? $6.95 from Moss.

    Having owned a 1967 Land Rover I can attest to the fact that Lucas invented the intermittent wiper.



    edward ericson


    I love that pin. As soon as I start really trying to get the Lucas stuff to work I know I’ll start screaming. 



    Are the grill badges still available? I now have a car….just no badges. This should be an easy fix/update for my car.



    Peter C. King




    Badge ordering information is under the “Our Store” tab on the left side of this page.





    edward ericson


    One piece at a time.” Always like that tune.

    Peter C. King



    Well, it’s a fortynine, fifty, fifty one, fifty two, fifty three, fifty four, fifty five, fifty six, fifty seven, fifty eight, fifty nine automobile! It’s a sixty, sixty one, sixty two, sixty three, sixty four, sixty five, sixty six, sixty seven, sixty eight, sixty nine, seventy automobile!

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