Fiberglass Repair Question

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    Winter has finally reached us down here in Georgia with daytime temps in the 50s and soon will work their way down to the 30s. I have to do some fiberglass repair to the body of my TD (where the vertical portion of the rear that the engine cover comes down against). I will probably have to add some metal under the fiberglass to add some strength. My question is how low can the outside temps go before I can’t work with the fiberglass anymore? Unfortunately I don’t have the luxury of a garage or even a car port. Thanks for any help.

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

    edward ericson


    I don’t think fiberglass is a winter job. Wouldn’t mess with it below 50.

    This guy says 60.

    But I don’t know much. Probably today there are cold-cure resins available. The innerwebs are our friend.

    Dan Rosa


     Allen  I don’t know about temperature ,,but I have had very good luck with using fiber glass screen as in [sliding screen door] as a back up for added structure strength . I have also used 5 minute epoxy many times out side when I have only a short time for curing . Dan



    Allen i’ve been looking through this sit for info. on doing mine. ght=painting+fiberglass

    also on the outside of the can it should say what temp. it can be worked at.

    Good luck.


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