Ran Bridget over to our local cruise Friday night. Holy crap! There were like 500 cars there! At least 25 Chevelles alone; half a dozen nice Cobras. There were some fun rat rods, a contingent of monster trucks, tuner cars (I hear most of them come later), a few first generation Novas, and one guy with a Scion xB with a 350 in it that looked almost stock. (Pretty sure it was this guy here; can’t be two of them).
Ok so I’m puttering into the lot (this thing happens in back of the Lowes, believe it or not) looking for a parking space and this dude with a pristine robins egg blue 1961 TR3 waves me in. “Didn’t think I was gonna see another British car,” he says. I confessed that she’s a BCW and he let me know about all the Cobras at the other end of the lot. “We get quite a few kit cars,” he says.
Anyway, I wandered around for an hour, couldn’t see everything that was there. I met some nice folks and totally forgot to snap a shot of Bridget in her muscle car milieu. I did grab this one though

–there were three rods just like that parading through the lot.
Nothing else that looked like a TD though.
If anyone is in striking distance let me know when you’re coming and I’ll make sure I get there too.