If i remember right the way you deside which fuel pump your car uses is weather it has a generator or alternator.If your car has a generator the fuel pump is taller is tnis correct.
Sort of. It’s more if you have a generator the pump stands straight up. If you have an alternator, because the rear end of the alternator is larger diameter, you need the pump that leans (tilts) back to allow room for the alternator. ALSO…the fuel pump shaft for an alternator is about a 1/4 inch shorter. Wrong shaft is not good.
Allen Caron
VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
"If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack
Today i got my car back with a new fuel pump in it.It runs great. The only thing it does now is a little backfiring not bad. It did it a little last year then it quit hopefully the same this year we will see. 50 degrees in buffalo ny put on winter clothes and went for a ride 70 degrees forcast for monday out for coffee my wife seems excited and so am i.