Happy New Year

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  • #233903
    Montie Henderson


    Happy New Year everyone.   I didn’t get to start 2012 as good as last year, no ride .  Cold, wet, cloudy day.    Last year it was low 50’s sunny and dry,   warm enough for me, not the better half though.   Got tomorrow off too, maybe then.

    edward ericson


    Happy New Year, Montie, and many happy cruises.


    Happy New Year to all the forum members.  I drove my car to a friend’s house for a visit.  The car certainly gets a lot of attention.



    Even those “real” T-series owners who would, in public, otherwise rag on our “imitation MG’s” would secretly like to have one.  These are quite simply cute and adorable.  They make people smile.  (Not to mention that they are more comfortable, more reliable, faster, quieter, oh…and far far cheaper.)  Only two disadvantages that I can see:  Getting in (or out) with the side curtains on and going incognito?  Fugedaboudit! I’d like to suggest that we adopt this as our theme song: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=oXvJ8UquYoo&vq=larg e

    Happy New Year to all. 


    edward ericson



    Montie Henderson


    Roy, I’ll second that nomanation.  Great song, you can’t help but get a huge smile. ..  even when it snowing outside, like this morning.  No ride today. 

    I know what you mean about being snubbed, not only by the MG guys but around here alot of the car shows revolve around Chevy’s.  This is a huge GM area, and there are alot of clubs, (55,56,57 group; Nova group; Chevelle’s; well you get the picture) they are all real clicky.

    I did get kudo’s at the British Days meet.  I parked next to the winner of the TD class (he’s won several years in a row).  When I pull in and parked he was all over my car and said it was the nicest replica he’d ever seen. 

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