
Home Forums MGTD Kit Cars Chevy/Ford Kits Insurance

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  • #233732
    Gary Jenkins


    I will be taking possession of a BCW 1952 MG TD built on a 1986 Chevette frame tomorrow. Probably get it registered next week some time but have to get insurance.
    I geico for my everyday cars now, do I tack it on or go for a Classic Car Insurer like Hagerty?
    I spoke to Hagerty and explained hat it was titled as a 1986 Chevette but was a replica car and asked $12,000 coverage. They said no problem and the rates were very reasonable.

    Any input would be helpful so I don’t go down the wrong road.


    Larry Murphy


     Click on the ”search” button at the top of the page . Type in ”insurance” ,click ”all forums” and you will get a ton of info about insurance.

     The classis/collector car route is usually much cheaper than adding to your regular auto policy.

     I’m a little concerned about the car being titled as a Chevette. It may be that the builder just used the donor car title. That could cause a problem later if you are envolved in an accident or should sell it to a person in a different state. Just don’t want to see you have trouble later, a little caution now could save you a bunch of time and problems in the future.

    Dan Rosa


    Nitro , you will have a lot of fun with the car. I have the same with a 1.4 4 speed ,,as for insurance , Larry I think is on the wright track I have Hagertry ,As the frame the car has it’s own frame not chevy it was made by the kit manufacturer mine was titled as a 1986 custom built ,Ca. title   ,I had no trouble titling her in Tn.   the trouble with a chevy title , D.M.V. goes by frame numbers in a wreck or theft .or even a traffic stop it doe’s not look like a chevette All I’m saying is to check in to it ,,look in your paper work ,you may have the MSO from the manufacturer.   Dan R

    Gary Jenkins


    I agree, I will check the numbers before going to the DMV. Thanks for the input.

    Paul Mossberg


    Two basic issues here…proper titling and registration and good insurance.

    SEMA has compiled all the critical hobby car title and registration regulations, by state:

    For insurance…read this thread:

    PMOSSBERG2012-02-26 10:53:23

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

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