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    Actually the negative post and connection was tight and didn’t move when I tried to see if it was loose again.  So I was a bit surprised to see that it started up after doing that.

    Peter C. King



    Have you cleaned the terminals and posts and put dielectric grease on them before you tightened them up again? Surface corrosion can block electrical flow in a short time.



    No, I didn’t put dielectric grease on them, but that is a great idea.  I’m going to the auto parts store this weekend if I don’t get a chance tonight, so I’ll be sure to pick up some with my new connector.



    Re:  The question about the roll bar.  I put one on mine and then attached three point seat belts to it, much safer. It sits just under the front bow for the roof and is made of 1/4″ rolled steel turned to 2” in diameter.  Triangulated support attached directly to the frame (very similar to the design used for the TD 2000.

    If you want more info e-mail me at


    Marc Lipsius


    If your battery connections are tight then you may have a cracked connection inside the battery from banging on it to set the connector. If you jiggle it, you may be getting it to make contact inside the battery again. If that’s the case, you need a new battery unless you want to do that every time and one day it will totally fail and you will be stuck.
    Is your battery getting charged? Measure the voltage at the terminals with the engine off and then again with the engine running at a fast idle. At rest it should read 12.6-12.8V, running it should read 13.8-14.2 V.

    ssmgtd- how about some pics of your roll bar? I’m sure we’d all like to see what that looks like and how you mounted it.

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