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  • #233113


    While travelling back to Ga from my Father-in-law’s place in Wisc, we stopped at an antique mall not far from Chatanooga on I-24. Was browsing around mainly to stretch my legs and as we left I looked in the display case at the register and there was a manometer set into a beautiful set of brass wings that was actually the radiator cap for an early car. Probably could have fit an original 53 MG. I asked what the absolute minimum the guy would go to and after a phone call the price was $175. They didn’t take plastic and between the wife and I we only had 128.32 plus maybe a few pennies in the truck.  Hated to have to let it go. But I’m planning a little day trip back up there Saturday. Hopefully it’ll still be there. The traveling was the trip from hell but the find at the Antique place sure brightened up our day.

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

    edward ericson


    Sounds like a nice piece. Those old Moto Meters with the special wings & stuff on them can be spendy. Especially when they’re in antique shops. (or online). In old junk shops, or junk yards, (or online, elsewhere) they’re sometimes a bit cheaper.

    They might not be as rare as you first think.

    This one’s “buy-it-now” price is $55.

    Brass doesn’t rust, right?

    James Cochran


    WOW, some of those are awesome…..some not so much. I really like the Ford one…too bad it doesn’t say MG.

    I have always liked this one as a hood ornament. MOSQUITO, our state pest.


    edward ericson


    Someone sold one of those mosquito rad caps on ebay earlier this year. went for something like $400, if I recall it right.

    James Cochran


    WOW, you can even get bit by a chrome mosquito , Allen, check that store for a chrome mosquito.



    Well I’ve checked eBay and have one on a watch list. Problem with most is they have Ford or Chevy on them. Nothing against either but it doesn’t fit with my VW based kit. Spending serious time on a good VW Chassis. Got my eye on a 71 Beetle chassis locally.

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

    James Cochran


    Allen, thinking about your signature tag line….
    I found this awesome hood ornament 

    edward ericson


    I like that!



    That’s a pretty funny hood ornament jas. Should go good on a Ford Pinto.   What’s even funnier tho, is I grew up 20 miles south of Northhampton Mass. Oh me!

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

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