Brian replied to the topic MGTD car kit for sale in the forum MGTD Kit Cars Unfinished 18 years, 3 months ago
What company maunfactured your replica, Fiberfab, Classic Motor
Carriages, British Coach Works, etc.?Additionally, is it a front or rear engine kit? What is the exterior
color, interior color, and roof color?Cheers
Brian -
Brian replied to the topic Help To ID TD Replica in the forum General Discussion 18 years, 4 months ago
I believe that Fiberfab cars have that bump. BCWs do not. I hope
helps. -
Brian replied to the topic Help To ID TD Replica in the forum General Discussion 18 years, 4 months ago
I believe that Fiberfab cars have that bump. BCWs do not. Hope that
helps. -
Brian replied to the topic BCW Hub Cap Emblem FOR SALE in the forum MGTD Kit Parts and other stuff 18 years, 10 months ago
The Ebay item number is 8068558818. The title is British
Coach Works BCW Hub Cap 1952 MGTD MG TD Replica. My
Ebay user name is 1984whales. If you have any questions
please feel free to contact me.
Brian -
Brian replied to the topic Started my Project in the forum General Discussion 18 years, 11 months ago
If you have any BCW components leftover after your rebuild
that you are going to get rid of, like the gauges, please let me
know. I am collecting BCW stuff whenever I can find it.Brian
Brian replied to the topic Great 53 replica for sale-turn key in the forum Running MGTD Kits Cars for Sale 18 years, 11 months ago
What company made the kit, Fiberfab, BCW, CMC, etc?
Brian replied to the topic Started my Project in the forum General Discussion 18 years, 11 months ago
Hi Pink MG,
You might be interested to know that the company that made
the BCW gauges is still in business. They can repair, reglaze,
restore gauges if you are interested.Brian
Brian replied to the topic Spare Tire in the forum VW Based Kits 18 years, 11 months ago
BCWs have a spare tire carrier with a real spare tire. The spare
tire can swing out of the way when you want to open the
engine lid on VW models. I would be happy to send you some
close up photos to aid you in your modifications. Send me your
Brian -
Brian replied to the topic Parts Needed in the forum MGTD Kit Parts and other stuff 18 years, 11 months ago
If you have a BCW replica check out Ebay. BCW used the
original TD windshields which come up for sale quite often on
Brian replied to the topic ID of kit car body in the forum General Discussion 19 years, 5 months ago
BCW’s id plates should be located in the trunk on the cowl (this
is the body piece underneath the windshield).A few suggestions for identifying a BCW in a photo.
If the car you are looking at has suitcase type hinges on the
hood, it is not a BCW. BCW used a long stainless steel hinge
on the driverside similar to the original TD type…[Read more] -
Brian replied to the topic TD kit only in the forum MGTD Cars WANTED 19 years, 5 months ago
If I see a BCW for sale anywhere, I will let you know. Usually,
one comes up for sale every two months.Brian
BCW #183 -
Brian replied to the topic reference material in the forum General Discussion 19 years, 5 months ago
Unfortunately many replicar companies cut corners using parts
such as the lights that were not authentic MGTD. I do not want
to be critical of any of the other kits, since beauty is truly in the
eye of the beholder, especially when it comes to a car that you
built yourself and put your heart and soul into. Rather, I would
recommend that yo…[
Brian replied to the topic need parts in the forum VW Based Kits 19 years, 5 months ago
What type of TD replica do you have Jim? Fiberfab, Classic
Roadster, British Coach Works, etc.????????Brian
Brian replied to the topic Seat Belts in the forum General Discussion 20 years, 1 month ago
I use racing seat belts in my rear engine BCW. The 3″ wide lap
belt is bolted to the tunnel on the inside and to the reinforced
corner of the floor pan (near the rear torsion bar) on the
outside. They have worked very well for me in these mounting
positions and are comfortable.You don’t want to skip using a shoulder restraint —- you and
Brian replied to the topic Teardrop???? in the forum General Discussion 20 years, 2 months ago
Can someone please post a picture of teardrop, so that I may
see what one looks like. FYI, I have hoping to find/make a
small trailer for my BCW too.Brian
Brian replied to the topic Seat adjustment, MG TD/VW in the forum VW Based Kits 20 years, 2 months ago
Hi all,
On my BCW rather than moving the bench seat back and forth,
which would be uncomfortable because the steering wheel
would be to close to the driver?s chest, I made pedal extenders
for shorter drivers to use. The extenders bolt onto the clutch
and brake pedals. The accelerator seemed to be all right for
everyone. The extenders work well…[
Brian replied to the topic Latest Pink MG Progress in the forum My Project 20 years, 4 months ago
I am very jealous of your new seats. I can smell the leather in
the photo. My BCW still has the “rich corinthian leather” that
came with the kit but someday I will upgrade. If I may ask, what
did it cost?Also what was the manufacturer of this poor car that you are
rescuing? I can’t believe that someone who would build their
own car,…[
Brian replied to the topic VW floor pan in the forum VW Based Kits 20 years, 5 months ago
There is a 1977 VW Beetle chasis with IRS for sale at
http://www.kitcars.com for about $500, if you are interested.ssa84whales38294.4414583333 -
Brian replied to the topic VW Kit Floor Pan Compatibility in the forum VW Based Kits 20 years, 5 months ago
I would recommend that you find a later model chassis with IRS
(Independent Rear Suspension) like I have. From what I have
read in the past the Swing Axle models apparently have some
undesirable handling characteristics, albeit I have no personal
experience with them. You can find a fairly thorough
discussion of IRS and Swing Axle in ?How to Hot…[Read more] -
Brian replied to the topic VW Kit Floor Pan Compatibility in the forum VW Based Kits 20 years, 5 months ago
Hi Jim,
Are you starting from scratch — finding and rebuilding your own
VW chasis? I actually didn’t realize that there were any
companies out there still making MGTD replica kits.
Brian - Load More