MGLondonRoadste started the topic British Wheels on the Green 2023 in the forum Clubs and Show a year ago
On Sunday October 29, 2023, the plan is to have my London Roader in the car and motorcycle show sponsored by the Arizona MG club, featuring British wheels in Peoria, Arizona at Centennial Plaza in downtown Peoria from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. I talked to them prior to registering and we will be in a “Specialty” class. New 1776cc VW engine, new rear bum…[Read more]
ALAN p replied to the topic OIL TEMP/PRESSURE GAUGE in the forum General Discussion a year ago
thank you for the information very helpful
edward ericson replied to the topic OIL TEMP/PRESSURE GAUGE in the forum General Discussion a year ago
The port most people use is on top of the engine just behind the distributor. There should already be a sender switch screwed in there with a wire coming off it. That’s your oil pressure (green) light. To get a proper gauge you T that port. Screw the idiot light sender into one hole and the gauge sender (either oil temp or oil pressure) into the…[Read more]
Toller replied to the topic OIL TEMP/PRESSURE GAUGE in the forum General Discussion a year ago
I have installed both in a VW 1600 engine. If you have same I can provide info and pics
ALAN p started the topic OIL TEMP/PRESSURE GAUGE in the forum General Discussion a year ago
I’m looking into installing an oil pressure or temp gauge in my London roadster as it has no warning lights or info on this, any one has done this or know how to?
Stephen Shaw started the topic Passenger Fender For Sale in the forum Classifieds a year ago
I have a passenger side fender and running board for sale. New condition never driller or mounted. Would prefer local pick up but can ship for what ever the cost would be to do so. Asking $250.00 for both, OBO
edward ericson replied to the topic Engine Removal in the forum General Discussion a year ago
Yes. Keep them away from brine.
Paul Mossberg replied to the topic Engine Removal in the forum General Discussion a year ago
Shifting the “brine?”
Egad!Shifting the engine. 🙄
Paul Mossberg replied to the topic Engine Removal in the forum General Discussion a year ago
Generally yes. But you’ll find the rear apron likely gets in the way of shifting the brine back to disengage from the transaxle.
I solved that by cutting the apron back to match the “outline” of the crankshaft pulley.
Other than that, same process.
Warren Satterlee started the topic Engine Removal in the forum General Discussion a year ago
Can the engine be removed from a Classic Roadsters Dutchess as it would be removed from the original 1969 Type 1 VW?
ALAN p posted an update a year ago
Rob McKinney posted an update a year ago
Added a T-5 from a 1986 SVO.
Rob McKinney added 4 Photos a year ago
Rob McKinney added a Photo a year ago
Phil replied to the topic Fiber Fab wheel covers in the forum Classifieds a year ago
I have 5 unused wheel covers that came with my kit.
All you need to do is pay for shipping and $20.00 for my time. -
Phil added 2 Photos a year ago
edward ericson replied to the topic VA Beach 2023 in the forum Clubs and Show a year ago
Awesome slide show, Bill. Thanks for that!
I blogged the journey on the Spyder build site: https://alongcameaspyder.wordpress.com/2023/10/11/air-auto-classic-11/
billnparts replied to the topic VA Beach 2023 in the forum Clubs and Show a year ago
Well another Virginia Beach event is in the books. Beautiful weather for the ride down and back with Saturday producing some spitting during the show, but the ride to and from the show were dry. We had a modern day tent revival on the beach by the hotel Friday and Saturday night. This is my photo dump.
Stephen Shaw started the topic Need a Rear Driver Side Fender in the forum General Discussion a year ago
I purchased a partially built FiberFab kit and it is missing the Driver (left) side rear fender. Anyone know of any parts that might be available? Also need the buckets for the seats but I can fabricate something to make this work.
David Sakrison accepted an invitation from Paul Mossberg and became a registered member a year ago
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