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  • #233792
    craig k. robinson


    Craig K. Robinson Charleston S.C VW based fiberfab TD 1600cc engine going to be red and black like snowbird picture

    Paul Mossberg


    Welcome aboard Craig!

    You’ll find lots of nice people filled with lots of TD replica knowledge here!

    I emailed you back in response to your question about the TD registry thread. But don’t worry about it now. I already added your info to the master list!


    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    edward ericson


    Welcome, Craig.

    greg press


    Greg Press here again

    Not sure if i’m doing this right but here it goes.Cherry Creek is located 1 and a half hours south of Buffalo ny in the middle of chautauqua county A very small community.My wife an i have lived here for 35 years .We are both retired an enjoy our car. We go to car shows,out to dinner, and drives in the country . I belong to AACA a worth while nation wide car club.Our local chapter puts on a few car shows and a car parts flea market in Dunkirk n.y.I hope to become active in this forumn.


    edward ericson


    My wife and I run up RT 15/22 once or twice a year to Buffalo from MD. I keep threatening to use the TD for this trip. Maybe we’ll do it next summer–and drop in.

    greg press


    I would love to meet other mg replica(london roadster) owners.Maybe lunch or dinner

    Greg Press

    greg press40883.8834027778



    I wish you luck in connecting with other MG replica owners, whether they be London Roadster owners or of other make.

    The guys on the east coast seem a bit more willing to get together than my experience in Arizona has produced so far with members listed on this site.  I’m still hoping to meet some of the local MG people, but I found a local Arizona Kit Car Club that has at least one other MG replica, and a lot of other replicas that I never knew existed.  We will have a holiday party on Saturday, and hope that everyone drives their replica car. Our weather should be clear and cool, perfect for slower speed top down time staying off the Interstate.

    greg press


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