tail lights/ mirrors

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    Dan Rosa


    Lucas type  mirrors and tail lights on ebay at NOS Locators Fast shipping and priced affordable get them at ebay@noslocators.com or phone at 401 725 5000

    Paul Mossberg


    If you are trying to search for this seller on Ebay, search for the seller NOSLocators (no spaces)

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to https://tdreplica.com/forums/topic/mg-td-replica-registry/ and register (you need to copy and paste the link)



    Dan is this what your after?

    Dan I’ve bought from them before very reliable very quick response.Big smile

    ray102012-09-04 00:26:29



    edward ericson


    How’s the quality?

    Dan Rosa


     Good quality and fast delivery,and they had what i wanted Big smile I broke a tail light and they had them in stock. /Lucas L549/with shipping 21.97 a pair . they also have Lucas style mirrors.

    Larry Murphy


     Dan, Are  you referring to the tail light assembly or only the lens? If I’m looking at the same item ,the light assemblys are $31.99 each. Still a good price. I’m thinking about  replacing the VW lights on my London Roadster and these are the most reasonable ones that I’ve seen.

    Dan Rosa


    Larry ,,that is for the lens [pair] the L549 is a good fit for the ‘ lucky”lens and assembly that came on my TD, these lenses were used on many cars built in the United Kingdom in the 50s through the early 60s… I broke one with my buffer Unhappy I do not know if it would fit on a vw base. on ebay TD parts I have seen assemblies for  MG TD, Morris Minor ,Triumph ..ect.   Jaguar.  used the same base. but a glass  lens and are 10 times the price for the same thing…. Good Hunting,,, Dan

    Larry Murphy


     Thanks Dan, I think I would need to use the complete assembly to make it work. Still not a bad price though.

    Dan Rosa


    Larry what size are the lights you have on your TD now? i do not know the size of VW tights but there many custom light kits for VW . also there many hot rod lights with assembly kits that may look good, like you can find at mikes-afordable.com ……..good luck  Dan

    Larry Murphy


      Dan, I have the typical VW lights, as used on most TD replicas. However, it is set up with two double filament bulb sockets which mount directly to the fender.The VW lens and trim ring simply mount directly over the bulbs and sockets. The top bulb is for tail light & turn signal , the bottom bulb is for tail light & brake light. Works great  and are very visable , I was just thinking about changing top something that would not be instantly identified as VW. What ever I change  to would need to use two separate bulbs or I would have to rework the wireing.

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