Toys for Tots

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    Greg Stickney


    Gary and I took the cars (his shelby, my MG) to the Toys for Tots show at the Don Garlits museum.
    21K in cash and 50K in toys were collected. On top of that, I won the
    Peoples Choice award! I had no idea they were even doing trophys until we
    got there, so I had no expectation of taking one home. I think I’ll
    have to add another room… a trophy room

    The kids did the best today. The guy that won the 50/50 ($325), gave $200 back to the kids, and another grand was collected just passing the bucket. I love this time of year


    James Cochran


    You da man!

    This is a wonderful collection amount, especially with the economy mess. Gives a great feeling inside to know the kids will have a great Christmas. It’s great Greg, you have done a wonderful thing. We all thank you for being a part of it all and including your awesome auto to help spread the joy.

    Trophy room for sure! Mel will be there soon to admire them…..(take trophy inventory, what a temptation )



    Mel Zeiger



    You did a great thing helping Toys for Toots collect all that money.  For that reason alone you are “my hero”. 

     The trophy is a testiment to all your and Gary’s hard work.  I’m sure I won’t have to ask you to show your trophies to me when I get there.  We leave next weekend (gotta get away from the snow).


    Greg can count to 2 so I will wait until he has a bunch more.







    edward ericson


    Good on ya, Greg! Good for the tots AND for you. A win for all TDs, I say, taking one to a drag racing museum and leaving with a prize. I missed the Garlits museum when I lived down there. He was still around then, hanging around inside, is what I heard. Is he still there these days?

    Greg Stickney


    Don is the one who handed me the trophy! I met him some time back, and since gearheads always have something to talk about, we hit it off right away. Besides, he loves our MG!


    edward ericson


    Super cool.

    Paul Mossberg


    I second that! Very, very cool.

    As some of you know, I have a 1965 Plymouth Satellite convertible. I’m a member of a huge “on-line” Mopar club. We get together each year at the Carlisle Chrysler show and put on a bar-b-q for 150 members, family and friends, sometimes over 200!

    A couple years ago, Big Daddy Don Garlits was one of the featured guests fopr the show weekend. rather  than go outot some fussy manufacturer dinner or dinenr withe the Carlisle Productions people, he came to our picnic and spent a couple hours hanging out with us. Super cool.

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)



    I agree, this time of year, even with the bad economy, is great.

      I work at the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) at Scott AFB and a co-work brought in a few of the flat rate mail box to send packages to the troops deployed. With our close ties to the military, we knew there co-works who had family and friends deployed so we sent a DISA ALL email requesting names that would be randomly drawn and anyone who wanted to donate items for the boxes.

      With in 24hrs, I had shipped five boxes. Another 48hrs we had enough donations to fill 15 boxes. We are now on day 7 and I’ve shipped 15 boxes and have enough supplies to fill another 10-15. We have run out of name at this point but I’m sure more will poor in if we send another request.

      The response has been over tremendous and its like having a second job but one I actual enjoy 100%.

        Talking about people generosity, I can’t forget to thank all of you. You donations this year exceeded the hosting cost. I’ve kept the extra aside and hope to find a suitable software upgrade for the forums.

       I hope everyone has a blessed and joyful holiday season.




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