Duk replied to the topic 52 TD / 67 VW for sale in the forum Running MGTD Kits Cars for Sale 13 years, 11 months ago
Criss if jo and you don’t work anything out I could be interested. my first question is same as he ask got pics.
Duk replied to the topic Hi from London Roadster newbie in the forum General Discussion 14 years ago
Hi Karen I’m new here also but can’t resist throwing my two cents in. First welcome and I believe the information available here is worth taking advantage of . As to you fuel smell I’m assuming that your using a VW donor undercarriage fuel tank also that on mine it had to be the original with the VW. It was so brittle that when I went to look at…[Read more]
Duk replied to the topic What kit would work in the forum General Discussion 14 years ago
Thanks for some Ideas other than the one that I was tunnel vision focused on. More ideas will always be welcome. Some people horde books or magazines I horde things with wheels or that at least had wheels. And your probably right too much power to waste it with a TD kit besides the fact that 90% of the nose would have to go away too accommodate…[Read more]
Duk replied to the topic Daytona migi in the forum General Discussion 14 years, 1 month ago
Very cool I also have one of these Migi by Daytona with a six didget number on a strip set in the gel. Also has the same copyright 1975 by Laverne J Martincic. I haven’t been able to tell for sure if the others have a pipeing material installed between the different body parts, my does and has a painted white pin line at the fenderline of the…[Read more]
Duk replied to the topic Adjustable beam job in the forum VW Based Kits 14 years, 1 month ago
I helped do one of these several years ago with a buddy on his bug. My biggest memory of it was it was not fun at all and before we was done we was wondering what we had got ourselves into and why we had done so. Job well done I know guys that turn a wrench regularly and they would shy away from what you just acomplished. I don’t know that I h…[Read more]
Duk replied to the topic someones eating crow in the forum General Discussion 14 years, 1 month ago
Notes on his car it is very light cream with brown fenders, seats four, to me it looks longer in the front, and has three flex tubes on each side from the motor compartment down thru the front fenders. Yes I am aware that I have poor spelling skills but I also couldn’t help repeating his abuse of the queens english.
Duk replied to the topic Questions about my toy in the forum TD Replicas 14 years, 1 month ago
Yes it’s titled as a 70 VW, and at least at one time it sitting on a floor pan. FYI; the VW people tha I have had contact with around here commonly refer to the complete rolling undercarrage is refered to as the floor pan, the floor boards then being the parts on either side of the tunnel. The only vin# I have to work with is the one stamped on t…[Read more]
Duk replied to the topic Questions about my toy in the forum TD Replicas 14 years, 1 month ago
I an’t take credit they were done when got it.
Duk replied to the topic Questions about my toy in the forum TD Replicas 14 years, 1 month ago
LOL The forum over the side tires was what finally got me off my backside and to go ahead and get signed in here. I’ve been keeping up with reading different forums for close to 4 months.
Duk replied to the topic Questions about my toy in the forum TD Replicas 14 years, 1 month ago
Making sure all my duks are in a row before I get two excited but at this point I have a type three that I just picked up out of a pasture (really) that was parked in 76 (last year it was taged) that the old couple that gave it to me to haul it off promised that the milage was as shown just over 5k. Broke down and never had it fixed because they…[Read more]
Duk replied to the topic Questions about my toy in the forum TD Replicas 14 years, 1 month ago
I will check it out problem I have is my title vin matches nothing story is it matched old pan that rusted out vin on current pan is already registered to a vw in different city and it does match windshield strip vin of that vw and is same as my pan vin. In other words they have at least part of the body off of my pan.
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