Edward Turner replied to the topic Chevette carrier bearing in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 11 years, 11 months ago
I ended up copying the larger spacer and installing one on each side. It made a very solid feeling mounting, I sure wanted to drive the car further to see how it felt.oldroadie2013-03-20 09:18:20
Edward Turner replied to the topic Chevette carrier bearing in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 11 years, 11 months ago
I hate to leave business unfinished. This week I completed the carrier bearing/drive shaft replacement. That included installing the new transmission mount plate, leveling the tranny in the process. Then I fibreglassed the interior parts back into place, reinstalled the interior and handed the now well running, good shifting car off to Joel, the…[Read more]
Edward Turner replied to the topic BCW Schwepppes Special in the forum Running MGTD Kits Cars for Sale 12 years, 1 month ago
Yes, we had a decent discussion about the current state of the car. My touring schedule has me on the road for the entire month of Feb. so I’m going to keep it until mid March when I can finish the driveshaft replacement and glass the hump section into a nice removable cap. Then it’s his.Yes, it has Schweppes Special badges on each side. It’s…[Read more]
Edward Turner replied to the topic BCW Schwepppes Special in the forum Running MGTD Kits Cars for Sale 12 years, 1 month ago
Sold. Thanks for having me even if I never got the project off the ground.
Edward Turner replied to the topic new member in alabama in the forum General Discussion 12 years, 1 month ago
newkitman wrote:There is one member in your neck of the woods over in Ft. Payne, AL.That would be me 🙂 If there’s anything I can help with just let me know. My TD is Chevette based, though, so I don’t know how much help I can offer but I’m willing to try. Welcome!Ed
Edward Turner replied to the topic New dashboard project in the forum My Project 12 years, 2 months ago
I do love the checkerboard dash. The sawdust and glue is a nice trick, I’ve used that before on some guitar repairs. I can’t wait to see how yours takes a finish. Tung oil or something denser?
Edward Turner replied to the topic New dashboard project in the forum My Project 12 years, 2 months ago
I had not found Smoothline in my searches, that’s a great lead. I did manage to obtain a rebuilt drive shaft from Rick Drake out in Washington state but I’m having a little difficulty getting it to sit in the frame the way it looks like it should. So, I need some advice and a couple of days labor to get her on the road. I’m so close….
Edward Turner replied to the topic New dashboard project in the forum My Project 12 years, 2 months ago
I’ve been unsuccessful in my hunt for BCW documents and without them i’m pretty much clueless. My car has been on hold for such a long time now I’m really starting to get discouraged and have been thinking of selling. A source for any info about BCW Chevette assembly would be so very welcome, can you give me a starting point?Thanks,Ed
Edward Turner replied to the topic clacking noise in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 12 years, 8 months ago
I’m right in the throes of changing out the driveshaft carrier on my Chevette based BCW. That carrier bearing tears away and the driveshaft carrier hits the transmission tunnel under load. You’ll have to get the car up in the air so you can look above the frame cross member and see if the carrier surround is toast.I’m away from home tending to an…[Read more]
Edward Turner replied to the topic Door hinges in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 12 years, 11 months ago
I wasn’t clear, the stripped Allen is in the body side attachment and not the door itself. Thanks for the door diagrams and advice on the latch but my problem is the very bottom bolt in the body side of the hinge. Looks like its going to be easy out territory and panel removal day, that’s okay because it’s drippy and it’s a fair weather car.
Edward Turner replied to the topic Door hinges in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 12 years, 11 months ago
The best I know mine is circa 1983 or 1984 from British Coach Works. So a Duchess uses a wood block backing with a T nut? That might encourage me to gamble. I really need that lower bolt replaced so I can true the door, then I can address the slightly sprung lock.oldroadie2012-04-03 13:07:04
Edward Turner replied to the topic BCW help, please in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 13 years, 6 months ago
Yep, she’s fine and that’s the main thing. It’ll be interesting to see what the
adjuster says about the car; I’ve never seen one with that much bent in the
‘B’ pillar ever track straight again.Mrs. T even helped me install spring rubbers in the rear this morning after
we fetched the police report and voila! no more bottoming out. Shocks…[Read more] -
Edward Turner replied to the topic BCW help, please in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 13 years, 6 months ago
Thanks fellows. I had misunderstood about the tunnel issue and thought
it just hampered removal of the entire trans. I see now it’s a bigger chunk
of work to just replace the tans mount. Not impossible, just more to do.
The link to PinkMGs pix is very valuable, I had not found that thread
before. I might just ponder cutting the mount away and…[Read more] -
Edward Turner replied to the topic BCW help, please in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 13 years, 6 months ago
Okay, so she’s up on jack stands in the rear, front wheels chocked and I’ve
got the nut and big washer off. You can plainly see the mount is torn when
the floor jack starts to lift the trans. I can’t seem to get the tans up high
enough to clear the trans bolt. Still no Chevette manual so I’m just going on
past limited experience…does this mean…[
Edward Turner replied to the topic BCW help, please in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 13 years, 6 months ago
ray10 wrote:To my understanding there should be some play side to side
and up and down ,but none front to back.Thank you, that gives me something to check once i get this baby up in the
air. -
Edward Turner replied to the topic BCW help, please in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 13 years, 6 months ago
Thanks, ray10. Yep, got me a replacement right off the shelf at my favorite
parts store. He’s had 2 in stock since the 80s, the box looked antique.
Hopefully the rubber is still sound, seems fine on the surface.I’ve been in touch with Rick because with that much play I suspect the carrier
bearing (he called it an axle extension) is probably…[Read more] -
Edward Turner replied to the topic Newby with questions in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 13 years, 6 months ago
I read his post earlier, some useful stuff in there but without any manual
to flesh it out I’m unsure where to begin…mostly because I think what I
can see under the car is likely the tranny mount and not the bearing. On
the other hand, if the mount has been collapsed for some time the
bearing is probably stressed to the point of…[
Edward Turner replied to the topic Newby with questions in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 13 years, 6 months ago
Larry Murphy wrote:? Ed, Glad you got it home safely. Now the fun
begins for real.!!
?Check in the photo gallery at the top right. Look in Pink MG’s gallery for
pics of a BCW trans mount with the engine and trans out of the car.
?Look at Chevette trans under Chevy/Ford kits section for a detailed
explanation of how to remove the trans and… -
Edward Turner replied to the topic Newby with questions in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 13 years, 6 months ago
Of course in this summer of drought with no rain forecast it rained a
deluge on the way over and more rain on the way back. Serves me right
for thinking I could buy a rag top 🙂 I learned the top and side curtain
PDQ when it came time to roll off the carrier (best $60 investment ever).
Rained all the way home, everything is drying in my woodshop…[Read more] -
Edward Turner replied to the topic Newby with questions in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 13 years, 6 months ago
I’m taking the easy way out with a friend, his truck and a Uhaul car hauler.
Just don’t want to tempt brake failure on those 6~8% grades on the first date - Load More