Bill Wells

  • Bill Wells posted a new activity comment 3 years ago

    I forgot. It has a 302 Ford v8.
    With all the fiberfab td kits around, there must be a solution.
    I registered for the good guys car show next week and don’t want to cancel or burn the car up!
    • Bill Wells posted a new activity comment 3 years ago

      I’m at a point where Im thinking of adding 5 gallons of gas to the whole car and lighting it!!!!!@!!
      • Bill Wells posted a new activity comment 3 years ago

        overheating problem!!!!!
        Where can I find a radiotor that fits????
        I want to change from th 4 core to an aluminum cross flow. I can’t find one that will fit! 15″ x…

          [Read more]

          • I’m at a point where Im thinking of adding 5 gallons of gas to the whole car and lighting it!!!!!@!!
            • I forgot. It has a 302 Ford v8.
              With all the fiberfab td kits around, there must be a solution.
              I registered for the good guys car show next week and don’t want to cancel or burn the car up!
            • <p style=”text-align: left;”>I have no idea how much they cost but my ‘53 MG TD Fiberfab had Western fake wire wheels for her when I got her.
              they are unbelievable!
              I believe that wheels are the most important thing to bring a car’s appearance “Over The Top”.
              I get at least three comments on the car every time I take her out!  People rolling…[Read more]

            • I have had problems with my TD bottoming out when I hit bumps.  My son said that he saw something about a 4 link coil over for it with an Itube detail.  Does anyone have more information about this?

              As an aside.  I have noticed that the problem is reduced when I am accelerating or braking. The way the suspension is built, it seems like the di…[Read more]

            • Bill Wells posted an update 6 years ago

              Replying to the radiator issue. If you have an 18 lb. radiator cap the boiling point of water/antifreeze is around 150 degrees! Sort of like a pressure cooker. So don’t worry about it unless you start getting around 145 degrees, don’t worry about it. If you don’t believe me, do the calculations yourself.
              I’ve added one of the “water wetter” a…[Read more]

            • Bill Wells posted an update 7 years ago

              @billnparts I have a kit with the same ivory and brown color combo. I need small touch up bottles for a few chips. Any ideas on good matches?

              • You probably won’t believe this, but Basic Rust Oleum is not that far off. Basic off White and Brown. Seriously.

              • bill,
                overheating problem!!!!!
                Where can I find a radiotor that fits????
                I want to change from th 4 core to an aluminum cross flow. I can’t find one that will fit! 15″ x…

                  [Read more]

                  • I’m at a point where Im thinking of adding 5 gallons of gas to the whole car and lighting it!!!!!@!!
                    • I forgot. It has a 302 Ford v8.
                      With all the fiberfab td kits around, there must be a solution.
                      I registered for the good guys car show next week and don’t want to cancel or burn the car up!
                  • Bill Wells posted an update 8 years ago

                    I want to put 3 point seat belts in my car by securing the top part of the belt to the seat/top fixture right behind the seats. Anyone done this?

                  • Bill Wells replied to the topic Seat in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 8 years ago

                    I’ve been thinking about going to a junk yard and looking for a pair of bucket seats that would fit. More comfortable but don’t know how it would attach.

                    Also finding a pair of 3 point seat belts. I think the top might fit on the convertible top bracket just behind the seat.

                    Regarding the storage problem, there is a lot of empty space behind…[Read more]

                  • I need help!

                    I need a radiator and I am at wits end!  The one I have would have to be rebuilt and because it is copper, we are talking some real $. I have tried over 10 different radiator companies and none can help me!  I don’t know what the donor car was for mine and all I have are pictures and dimensions.  All the companies just want make, ye…[Read more]

                  • You had mentioned that you could make the wider radiators fit by modifying the frame brackets. Your TD message said to see the manual on the left. Couldn’t find it.

                  • Bill Wells changed their profile picture 8 years ago

                  • Bill Wells became a registered member 8 years ago

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