buddy replied to the topic Rear torsion indexing-sag removal in the forum VW Based Kits 12 years, 8 months ago
Roy,I have a Daytona MIGI, I ran into the same problem with trying to re-index the torsion bars.I looked on Samba for answers, people were installing Monroe MA 803 air shocks.This works fine, I also installed a set of fill valves with air lines one for each shock.I purchased these on EBAY, sorry I can’t find the original Part # for these. I ca…[Read more]
buddy replied to the topic Questions about my toy in the forum TD Replicas 14 years, 1 month ago
Hi, I have completed replaceing my floor pans,and rebuildinng the frame for the 1969 chassis on my Daytona MIGI. The best half pans I found was from this company. Job was not too hard. http://www.mtmfg.com/vw/149/Volkswagen-Beetle-Floor-Pans-Flo or-Pan-PartsBud H
buddy replied to the topic Moving East in the forum General Discussion 14 years, 4 months ago
Hi Geoff,I live in Bruington Virginia,about 2hours south of Washington, DCI have a Daytona MIGI volkswagen kit, which is just abut finished restoration.Member name ( buddy)Welcome to the neighborhood.
buddy replied to the topic daytona MiGi in the forum VW Based Kits 14 years, 6 months ago
I have a Daytona MIGI copyright 1975body VIN is 953227.
buddy replied to the topic daytona MiGi in the forum VW Based Kits 14 years, 6 months ago
This site a Samba.com should help with your VIN #. http://www.thesamba.com/vw/archives/info/bugchassisdating.ph pWiring can be difficult,different manufactures had a slightly different take on wiring, but most somewhat followed the original Beetle diagrams.I had such a mess in my car, most showed signs of overheating, I purchased a wire kit from…[Read more]
buddy replied to the topic need wiring help in the forum VW Based Kits 14 years, 6 months ago
The ammeter would be wired in series to the power source (generator) to the battery. All power runs through the ammeter. A better way to go in install a voltmeter. It is wired in parallel to the battery. Less chance of a problem with hot wires.
buddy replied to the topic engine rebuild in the forum VW Based Kits 14 years, 6 months ago
The existing motor sat in the garage of the former owner for ten years, with low oil. the former owner also said he had low oil pressure when he disassembled car.
buddy replied to the topic wireing schematics in the forum VW Based Kits 14 years, 11 months ago
Thank you, everyone for taking the time to answer my question.Bud H
buddy replied to the topic Daytona MIGI in the forum VW Based Kits 15 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for the input, I guess my main concern is the firewall were the pedals would go. The Fiberfab does not show a firewall in this area.If a Daytona owner is on the forum, could you give me some input.Thanks for the help,Buddy
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