greg press replied to the topic generator help in the forum General Discussion 7 years, 8 months ago
I want to thank all of you who helped with my generator problem . As I see it you remove the carb a few bolts .Find a 36mm socket and it comes out . send it out for rebuild put it back tighter and away you go.
thanks again
greg press started the topic generator help in the forum General Discussion 7 years, 8 months ago
I have been having trouble with my London Roadster Vw powered with a generator The amp meter is on minus side of zero . I put a new voltage regulator in nothing changed used contact cleaner replaced wires from generator to voltage regulator no change . Then I hit the generator with a hammer went to plus side of meter and improves as i r…[Read more]
greg press started the topic valve cover gasget in the forum General Discussion 7 years, 11 months ago
Been awhile since I’ve been on here. My 91 year old mother not doing well . I am going to adjust valves and replace valve cover gasket . My car is a London Roadster around a 1970 engine. If anyone knows which one will fit send me the link please .
greg press started the topic VW crankcase pulley in the forum General Discussion 8 years ago
I have a crack in my crankcase pulley. I have a 1970 vw engine London Roadster ( 1600 cc I believe). Any information as to which one will fit. Mine is keyed
greg press replied to the topic Christmas in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 3 months ago
Marry Christmas to all . Plan on putting a new crank pulley in this winter . Mine is cracked . Any one have one for sale .
greg press started the topic bought a corvette in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 4 months ago
Today I bought a 1987 corvette convertible in almost mint condition . The previous owner a older man who owns a speed shop got board last winter sold his Harley took the money and modified it over 8,000 invested. He told me that is has well over 300 horsepower . I will drive it home tomorrow . How many corvette owners do we have on here?
greg press started the topic whats going on in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 5 months ago
When I joined this forum it was very active for the last 6 months it seems less active . At first I thought it was summer replica fun .Now its mid October ,still quiet . 🙁
greg press started the topic selling a corvett new toy tdreplica in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 5 months ago
As I have mention here I want to by a corvette , so I have been looking on the internet daily . I recently saw a corvette for sale that the owner said , Selling my corvette bought a new toy. In the background was a tdreplica . Hope he joins .
greg press replied to the topic frying in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 7 months ago
I focused all of my attention on the distributor well guess I overlooked the obvious no power to the coil must be a broken wire I ran a new wire problem solved . I swear you guys will make me into a VW mechanic some day .
greg press started the topic frying in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 7 months ago
While cleaning the engine removed the coil wires that go to distributor , solenoid and choke when I hooked them back up car won’t start . If you connect the distributor wire to the positive side of coil will it fry the ignition modular there is a line fuse in it . that I haven’t taken apart .
greg press replied to the topic Intercourse in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 8 months ago
I just happen to be the proud owner of a license plate cover with amish heads on it that says Intercourse Pa.
greg press replied to the topic password problems in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 9 months ago
I guess I will use the password assigned to me . I use the same password for everything . So now I will have to remember 2 passwords. My -o my
greg press started the topic password problems in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 9 months ago
I have a problem with my password . At some point my password that I have used for years quit working for some unknown reason . I decided to get a new one thinking I would get to choose it . I was given a long numbered and letter password . At my age it would take a long time to memorize it . Am I able to choose my own and if I can how do I do that
greg press replied to the topic Another new member from North Alabama in the forum Membership 8 years, 10 months ago
Welcome! Heading in your direction this coming winter
greg press replied to the topic MG Magic Tops in the forum VW Parts Wanted 8 years, 10 months ago
I looked into MG magic for a new top e mailed back and forth decided it would be a pain in the ass . Do you have any boat canvas people or amish canvas shops they could do it right and probably cheaper. I had a boot made by local amish for 40 bucks . NICE
greg press replied to the topic Car dying in idle after carb rebuild in the forum VW Based Kits 8 years, 10 months ago
There are u tube videos that will get you through anything including carb adjustment fuel pump repair/ replace etc
greg press replied to the topic How big is your engine? Really. in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 10 months ago
Royal , You are one of the biggest reasons why before I go to bed at night I have to log on to td replica .
greg press replied to the topic My London Roadster in the forum Rules and Etiquette 8 years, 10 months ago
I to have a London Roadster . One thing about our cars . When you are around car people you always here them talk about Horsepower, Mopar’s Muscle cars .etc When you go to car shows I get the most interest .
greg press replied to the topic New to this in the forum Rules and Etiquette 8 years, 11 months ago
Welcome !!! Lots of expertise here . When I joined knew nothing . My cars hasn’t had to repaired in a garage in 4 yrs
greg press replied to the topic VW Engine Movement in the forum VW Based Kits 8 years, 11 months ago
When my engine is warmed up It barely moves . Other people have noticed this .
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