Royal replied to the topic Bye bye MIGI………bye in the forum My Project 5 years, 4 months ago
So, this is a bit embarrassing and may be my last TDr story:
So, the new owner asked if it ran. I without even opening the door or getting in, reached in turned the key on and pulled the knob – it started instantly. (I had changed from the replica button start to a pull start knob just like “real” TD’s)(I was trying to keep up with Ed, be…[Read more]
Royal replied to the topic Bye bye MIGI………bye in the forum My Project 5 years, 5 months ago
Carlisle is in pencil.
Royal started the topic Bye bye MIGI………bye in the forum My Project 5 years, 5 months ago
Had a garage sale this past weekend and a guy made me an offer on my TDr I couldn’t refuse.
MIGI has gone to a new owner here in NC just north of New Bern.I,of course, told him about the club. Talked it up.
I’ll keep in touch,hope to see the ‘ol gang this coming year,and plan on bringing the Mini to the show in Virginia Beach next year.…[Read more] -
Royal replied to the topic Fiberfab Parts in the forum VW Based Kits 5 years, 6 months ago
I’ll add that not only are there differences between original TD and replica grill shells, but not all replica shells are the same and they are not interchangeable between replica manufacturers without modifications.
Royal replied to the topic New Member— also assistance requested! in the forum Membership 5 years, 6 months ago
I’m 78 this week and have decided to sell my MGTDr. I almost sold it a few months ago to a fellow on this site, but the deal fell apart at the end. If you are interested, please give me a call. It still has not been advertised. I will be out of town until 9/26 but would be willing to talk about my TDr experiences and compare them to my rea…[Read more]
Royal replied to the topic VA Beach 2019 in the forum Clubs and Show 5 years, 6 months ago
Sorry Guys, I’m out. Family health problems. Don’t even know what state I’ll be in when the show’s on. Julie and I are fine but it’s just a bad time.
Royal replied to the topic Moving Seats Back in the forum General Discussion 5 years, 7 months ago
Not to belabor the point, but Bill’s front seat arrangement allows the most possible leg (and chest) room available in our TDr’s. Very roomy and comfortable.
Royal replied to the topic Considering new radiator for heat issues in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 5 years, 8 months ago
2 core vs 3 core: I was having temp problems with my 998cc classic mini. Did a lot of reading and decided to try a 2 core vs the 3 core original. The logic being that while the 3 core may have more coolant exposure the increased density of the cores decreases the air flow and thus: the 2 core cools better.
I should mention that I had acid cl…[Read more]
Royal replied to the topic Hood Louvers in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 5 years, 8 months ago
Bill, it certainly looks a lot better than I expected also. I think that i agree with Ed – you got ‘er done. Smile, be happy.
Royal replied to the topic New top for 52@ MGTD Fiber Fab in the forum MGTD Kit Cars 5 years, 10 months ago
Advice: These kits are all different from each other in tub dimensions. They may look similar and may be the same but I will tell you that the only way to be sure is to have a canvas shop make one for you. And yes, this will cost you more than a few hundred dollars. My Daytona and Jack’s Fiberfab and BCW are all different enough that my ton…[Read more]
Royal replied to the topic Looking for a 52 MGTD in the forum Classifieds 5 years, 11 months ago
Garry, good for you. Congratulations. Enjoy. They are great cars and a lot of fun. Now you get to make it yours. The boys here, in this TDr website, will be able to answer any questions you may have. I would urge you to get involved here and with any of the sports car clubs in your area.
Royal replied to the topic 14 inch Wheel Info and Sources in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 5 years, 11 months ago
If you really “want to make it look like the original TDs with steel wheels”, why are you looking for 14″ wheels since originals came with 15″ wheels?
I think that offset, tire aspect ratio and rim width are much more important than diameter when considering clearance issues.
I agree with Ed, you really need to do some test fitting.
Royal replied to the topic Spyder work in the forum General Discussion 5 years, 11 months ago
Never let it be said that “Everyone is too polite to ask”!
I discovered (after carefully reading one of your many detailed posts long ago) that you are “that guy who went absolutely sicko with the Porschey details.”
I’ve only met your wife briefly on a few occasions but, you surely hit the jackpot with her.
….And, if I were to want the a…[Read more]
Royal replied to the topic Spyder work in the forum General Discussion 5 years, 11 months ago
Ed, I am quite sure that it will not surprise you to hear that I never attempted to undertake a project this time consuming and complex. I’m impressed.
Did you keep a log of your hours and costs? …..or shouldn’t I ask?
Royal replied to the topic New Member/Just acquired a KIT in the forum MGTD Kit Cars 5 years, 11 months ago
Todd, the original TD’s used a “flat 1″ x 3/16″ rubber weather strip under the window bottom frame”. I think that BCW TDr’s also used this kind of strip/seal at the bottom of the windshield. So, my advice would be use what works.
My bottom engine surround is not bolted to the fenders or the body. Simply attached to the engine.
Royal replied to the topic How one thing leads to another…and another… in the forum General Discussion 5 years, 11 months ago
Ain’t it the truth:
So, we finally had a nice day and I decided to take my abandoned (in my garage) TDr for a ride after getting temporary “paper” plates. Pulled out of the driveway and got up to the end of our cul-de-sac. No brakes. Nada. Zip. Fortunately, I had relocated the emergency brake handle a few years ago and it did work. Got i…[Read more]
Royal replied to the topic Looking for a 52 MGTD in the forum Classifieds 6 years ago
Some of the Fiberfabs can be modified to allow folding and some not. Many/most of the windshields on Fiberfabs (and other TDr’s) have the long side brackets which extend down past the bottom of the windshield and are thru bolted into the body. I don’t know how to modify those.
I was fortunate to have the windshield mounted to a heavy cast a…[Read more]
Royal replied to the topic Looking for a 52 MGTD in the forum Classifieds 6 years ago
I will be listing it on eBay (or maybe I’ll start it low and have a reserve) for $7,000. Haven’t decided yet upon that. However if a forum member wants it, try $7,000.
Should a forum member want it, I will put you up for the night or two here at mi casa. You could probably stretch it into a couple of days and get to see historic New Be…[Read more]
Royal replied to the topic Looking for a 52 MGTD in the forum Classifieds 6 years ago
No brag, but what’s true is true. Thanks for the endorsement Schu.
I forgot to mention that it has real knock-off wire wheels and good tires even the spare is on a wire wheel. Air horn. Very nice wood steering wheel. Badge bar. Fog light and a driving light. Pertronics distributor. The Holley Bug Spray carb is a 2 bbl with a special intake…[Read more]
Royal replied to the topic Looking for a 52 MGTD in the forum Classifieds 6 years ago
Well, at 77, the time has come for me to thin the herd. I know that you are looking for a BCW close to Michigan.
I have neither, but do have a very nice white Daytona MGTDr in Eastern NC (New Bern). VW drive train. It has been in numerous car shows and always draws looks. I will be listing it on eBay within a week and it will be sold with num…[Read more]
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